Mikvah Immersion
Tevilah-Immersion Perspective
Mikvah is one of the Three special Mitzvos for women.
(The other Two special Mitzvos are candle lighting and
Hafrashas Challah).
- It is an auspicious time to pray to Hashem.
- The Rebbe promoted giving Tzedakah especially
before doing these Mitzvos.
Three Special Mitzvos for Women
The performance of this mitzvah,
as well as our thoughts and intentions on this special night,
affect the Neshoma that is drawn down and create the “garments”
that the Neshoma will bear.
- It is important to immerse on
the correct day.
- Be as discreet as possible-
this is your private Mitzvah!
- Prepare ahead to avoid stress
so this mitzvah can be performed
with joy!
Intervening substance
A woman’s entire body and every hair must be immersed simultaneously in the waters of the Mikvah to ensure a kosher and valid immersion.
There must be no intervening substance
between her and the water.
Therefore, before immersion, she is required to thoroughly wash and examine her entire body and hair, to ensure that no intervening substances (chatzitza) will separate any part of her body from the waters of the Mikvah.
What is a Chatzitza?
Anything that interferes with any part of your body/hair coming into contact with the water of the Mikvah.
What is considered a Chatzitza?
- Something that is small and MOST WOMEN are particular about,
even if you are not particular about.
2. Something YOU are particular about, even if other women are not.
Example: The way you wax the hair on your eyebrows.
Note: If you establish a personal habit, that you have done three or more times in preparation for Mikvah and you wish to stop doing this further, consult your Rav before stopping.
3. ALL FOREIGN SUBSTANCES, even if no one is particular about it.
This applies as a chatzitza even if it covers only a small part of your body! Example: Lotion on face, hands or feet.
Pus that drained outside of a wound and dried after 72 hours
is a Chatzitza.
Blood that is dried and crusted or blood that
is outside of wound is a Chatzitza.
However, blood that is wet inside the wound
is not a Chatzitza.
Scabs of unhealed wounds, that are dry and hard, should be softened with warm water.
If the wound is healed, the scab should be removed.
Splinters that stick
out of the skin
are a Chatzitza.
However, splinters completely embedded under the skin
are not a Chatzitza.
Blisters that
are closed,
are not a Chatziza.
If they pop and are
not painful, remove the loose skin and clean.
Warts or corns
are not a Chatzitzah,
they just need to be softened.
If they are loose or almost falling off,
a shaila needs to
be asked.
- Scrub as much as you can, if no substance
remains, yet it is still stained it’s ok.
- Tip: Bleach (if you are not sensitive to it),
lemon juice, vinegar or baby oil can be
used to remove.
Remove any residue from these solutions.
- Temporary dental work/dental work in progress (ex: temporary fillings).
- Tooth causing pain
- Ingrown toenail that can’t be cleaned
- Cast
- Stitches
(In general, self dissolving stitches are better than non-dissolving. Consult a Rav).
- Nuva Ring and hormonal patch* are a Chatitza
and need to be removed for immersion.
- IUD* is not a Chatziza (strings should be wiped clean).
*used with a heter from Rav
Prepare in Advance
Hair Removal
If you are not particular:
If you are particular:
- If hair cutting and removal/shaving is something you are particular about
and regularly remove, then it needs to
be removed for Mikvah.
- Once you have done it three times and
you no longer wish to do it, consult a Rav.
- Hair cutting is done when you feel the need to. It does not have to be done every month.
If you need to cut hair this month, then it does need to be done prior to immersion.
- When you feel you need to, make sure to have in mind that it is just for this time.
Example: Some women do hair removal only in the summertime.
- If you only shave certain parts, that is all
you need to do.
- Hair cutting/removal, is best done
at least Three days prior to Mikvah.
- If done closer to immersion or on day of Mikvah,
be extra careful that any residue or loose hair
are completely removed.
- Note: Hair removal for Mikvah is permitted on
Chol Hamoed, during Sefirah and the Three weeks.
Hair Dye
- If it is permanent hair dye and has no substance,
it is not a Chatzitza. Consult a Rav.
- If dye is incomplete or growing out, consult a Rav.
- It is preferable to dye it fresh a few days to a week
prior to immersion to ensure that no residue
- Make sure to treat before Mikvah.
- Once full treatment has been done to
clean and remove, anything that is not
removable, is not a Chatzitza.
Mikvah Day
(Day 7)
Mikvah Day-Day 7:
- Eating chicken or meat (including whole or ground), which can get stuck in
your teeth. (Note: if meat is eaten by mistake, be extra careful to clean teeth well.)
- Meat may be eaten for a Seudas Mitzvah and Shabbos and Yom Tov, but be extra careful to clean teeth well.
- Other food that can get stuck in your teeth. Example: corn, popcorn, taffy, oranges or mango.
- Sticky substances such as dough.
- Playdough, paint, glitter, permanent markers, use gloves if needed.
- Waterproof mascara and any waterproof or
longwearing makeup (eyeliners, etc)
- Haircuts, waxing and shaving on day of Mikvah.
(Preferably, should be done in advance).
If done on day of Tevilah, extra care must be taken
to ensure no bits of hair or residue remain.
Mikvah Day-Day 7:
- Plan ahead with arrangements such as
babysitting, scheduling and supper to
reduce stress.
- “Erev Mikvah” can be stressful like
Erev Shabbos.
- Increase your chance at Shalom Bayis
with forethought!
Check entire body visually & by touch
Bathe: Wash entire body & hairs
Comb all body hairs while wet
When should it be done?
- Ideally, Chafifah should begin after the final Bedikah before sunset, and continue into nightfall.
- Preferably the preparation should begin in the daytime
to ensure that you don’t rush.
How long should it take?DAY
If unable to begin Chafifah before sunset and go into night,
then you should try to do
something (ex: cutting nails)
to begin Chafifah during the day.
If Chafifah is begun during the day,
Chafifah should take
a minimum of 30 minutes.
If unable to do anything during the day, full Chafifah may be done entirely at night.
However, Chafifah should then take a minimum of 1 full hour
to ensure one does not rush.
If the Chafifah is done
entirely by day, you still
need to Rewash, Recomb and Recheck prior to tevilah, at night at the mikvah.
If Chafifah is begun during the day, Chafifah should take
a minimum of 30 minutes.
IMPORTANT: Chafifah should be done thoroughly in a calm and relaxed manner.
Where is Chafifah done?
Chafifah may be done at home or at the Mikvah building, or it can be done partially at home and completed at the Mikvah premises.
If Chafifah is done at home, or whenever there is a gap between Chafifah and Tevilah:
Do the three main steps at home and then again at the Mikvah premises prior to immersion:
Clean, Comb, Check
If a full bath was taken at home, then a
thorough shower is taken at the Mikvah
and one must re-wash, re-comb
and re-check prior to Tevilah.
Step 1: Clean
Remove External Items/Substances
- Jewelry
- Band aids
- Contact lenses
- Makeup
- Nail polish
- Lotions
Washing & Soap
- Bathe in hot water using soap and a washcloth.
- Bathe in a tub. If unable to bathe in a tub consult a Rav.
- After bathing, take a shower and rinse off loose hair.
- Soaps and body wash should not leave a creamy residue.
- Shampoo should be used without conditioner.
For knotty hair a small amount of conditioner may be used, but be sure to rinse it out completely.
- Tip: Wash yourself from top to bottom to ensure that you don’t miss any part of your body.
- Wash all hair on head and body with shampoo and soap.
Make sure that there are no knots.
- Comb through all body hairs-
hair of head, eyelashes, eyebrows, armpits and pubic area.
- Remove all stray and loose hairs.
Hair & Chatzitza
Knots in the hair (not hair knotted together, but hair knotted on itself).
- If it is in the majority of the hair, it is a Chatzitza (as is any knotting).
- If the knots bother YOU it is a Chatzitza.
- If the knots do not bother you, but they are considered a bother to
MOST WOMEN, it is a Chatzitza and they then need to be removed.
Best is by simply cutting off those knotted bits.
- However, a loose knot formed from several hairs is not a Chatzitza.
- Remove contact lenses.
- Remove mucus around the eye and clean all discharges
in corners of eyes.
- Remove eye makeup thoroughly.
- Tip: For easier removal use a Q-tip with eye makeup remover.
- Tip: A damp, white cloth, or gauze pad rubbed along
the lid/lash line will show any makeup residue.
Eyes & Chatzitza
- If pus leaked out of eye and dried after 72 hours: It is a Chatzitza.
- If there is a clear discharge in the
eye or fresh pus present less than
72 hours: It is not a Chatzitza.
- Clean nose up until the septum
(where the pinky finger can reach).
- Clean earring holes.
Tip: Dip post in alcohol to clean
- Clean ears inside up until as far as
where the pinky finger can reach.
- Cotton swabs can be used to clean
the folds of the outer ears.
- Brush teeth thoroughly.
- Clean tongue and rinse mouth from all
toothpaste residue.
- Floss (unwaxed floss is preferred, only if you are sure it will not get caught. Or use plastic flossers).
- Tip: If using waxed floss, floss first, then brush afterwards to remove any possible wax residue
- Tip: Water flosser is helpful if you have teeth that are close together or any permanent dental work.
Teeth & Chatzitza
- Remove anything in/on the teeth and all removable dental appliances.
- Any permanent dental work that is not removable may remain.
- If any emergency dental work is
in progress, consult Rav.
- Remove all nail polish.
- Be sure to clean under all corners and around cuticles, of finger and toe nails.
- Cut finger and toe nails on day of Mikvah.*
- Smooth nails. Make sure there are no rough
or jagged edges.
- (Remove cuticles if it bothers you, or if
you are accustomed to doing so).
*Nail cutting for Mikvah is permitted even on Chol Hamoed.
Nails & Chatzitza
- Remove hanging pieces of skin.
- Note: Be extra careful with removing clear or light colored nail polish, (hard to see bits at edges).
- Soften any callouses and hard skin on your body.
- Check for blisters, peeling skin etc.
- Any loose, hanging skin (or flaps) should be gently cut off and removed.
- Tip: Using a pumice stone and creams to keep hard areas softened ALL month long, will make Mikvah prep easier.
Pay special attention to:
- Hair (all body hair)
- Ears, earring holes
- Eyes, eyebrows, eyelashes, corners of eyes
- Nose, clean and blow
- Chin, under chin, neck
- Underarms, between elbows and fingers
- Breast nipples and under breast
- Navel and Genital area (also folds)
- Knees, between knees and between thighs
- Feet- toes, between toes and soles
- Back
Step 2: Comb
Comb out all body hair and all hair of head after bathing.
Comb hair with a comb while wet.
Undo all knots.
Step 3: Check
Checking yourself
is Crucial for a
Kosher Immersion.
This is Halacha!
Note: If there is any delay between Chafifah and Immersion,
Checking needs to be done twice:
1. During Chafifah 2. Prior to immersion.
Checking before Immersion
After rinsing yourself, CHECK*your entire body.
For a valid immersion, all of the following three
inspections are needed:
- Visual check
- Touching check
- Mental review (checklist)
*Note: if checking was omitted, even if nothing was found after immersion, you must check and immerse again. If you only remembered at home/next day consult Rav.
If you used the bathroom:
- Re-rinse
- Re-comb
- Re-check
Don’t dry off after washing yourself!
Wear slippers and you are ready for immersion!
- A woman must be sure to immerse in
a Kosher Mikvah that is under the supervision of a Rav with Yiras Shamayim, expert in these Halachos.
- Immersion in a kosher mikvah is vital for a woman’s purity and descendants for all generations!
- Be extra careful to inquire about the kashrus of the Mikvah when traveling
to small cities.
- The Mikvah pool must be connected to a natural water source. Modern Mikvaos are constructed like a pool filled with tap water and connected to a natural water source.
- If you do not have access to a Mikvah and wish to immerse in a lake, sea, or ocean, consult a Rav.
- The Mikvah should not have mud on the bottom nor mats or loose tiles, for you to stand on.
An attendant who is a Jewish woman that has Yiras Shamayim, Shomeres Shabbos and at least 12 years old, should accompany you to ensure you are completely immersed. If such is not available, consult your Rav.
- The water should reach
10.5 inches above the navel
(approx. mid chest) when
standing in it.
Time of Immersion
A woman immerses in the Mikvah on the night
following the seventh white day, AFTER NIGHTFALL.
Procedure of Immersion
- Wet yourself in the Mikvah
- Immersion
- Make a Bracha
- Immerse again
(Immerse a third time for “extra purity”)
- Say your private Tefilos
(Can be said before or after third immersion)
The Process
- Wet yourself and immerse one time.
- You should have the intention to fulfill the Mitzvah and become Tehorah.
- Position yourself to recite the Bracha.
- Arms crossed around your waist to form a “gartel” between upper and lower body.
- The attendant, will hand you a towel to cover your hair.
(One should not talk from the bracha until after the immersion)
- Recite Bracha: "ברוך אתה...על הטבילה"
While making the Bracha:
- Eyes look up, out of the water. Don’t look at your
reflection while you are making a Bracha.
- Crouch so that the water reaches your chin.
- Then dip a second time without talking. (The first two immersions are halachically required). Dip a third time for “extra purity.”
- After that, you can say Yehi Ratzon and other private prayers. (Yehi Ratzon can be said before or after the third immersion)
(Some have a family custom to dip 7 or more times)
Enter Mikvah and wet yourself with the Mikvah waters
There are two halachically acceptable positions:
1."Like Kneading dough" 2. k'dag: "Like a fish".
- Each position requires your arms to be held away from
your body and your legs to be spread apart, so that the
water reaches your entire body. Spread your fingers and
toes. Teeth lightly together, not clenched and lips and
eyes lightly shut.
Position yourself as though "kneading dough”,
leaning forward with your arms and legs apart.
Position for Immersion
Lay under water completely flat, “like a fish”.
This is only if you are comfortable with this position.
- Spread out straight like a fish, legs spread apart and stretched out straight, arms spread straight in front.
- Tip: To get to the bottom of the Mikvah pool for fish position:
Use the railing or the wall to lever yourself to the bottom of
the pool.
- Tip: You may feel less self conscious if you can stand in
the Mikvah with your back to the attendant.
Hair & Immersion
- Hair in the mouth is a Chatziza!
- Tip: If you have long hair, hold your hair in your
fist before immersion and then release under water.
After Immersion
- The attendant will declare “Kosher” after each immersion. At the same time this is echoed in Shamayim as well and results in children who serve Hashem leshaim shamayim. (Arizal)
- The first encounter you have after immersion should be with something pure, the attendant can serve this purpose. This is not halacha, but seeing something holy & pure has a spiritual affect on our children.
- Wash Negal Vaser and say Asher Yatzar.
- You must verbally confirm to your husband that you have immersed
and are Tehorah, before stopping Harchakos (texting is not enough).
- One should not take a full shower/bath, after immersion, until the next morning. Separate parts may be washed as needed.
If there is a great need, consult Rav.
If you forgot something:
- If you realize something was forgotten, or notice something that may be a problem, while you are still at the Mikvah, re-immerse without a bracha (one immersion).
- If you only realized after you are already home, or the next day, consult
a Rav on what to do. Ask if you need to re-immerse and if a bracha is required.
Mikvah on Friday Night
(or First Night Yom Tov)
If you need to go to the Mikvah before Shabbos:
1. Your husband can light the Shabbos candles and make the Bracha for you.
You will be mekabel Shabbos when it begins.
2. You can Light candles earlier (earliest after Plag Hamincha) but don’t be Mekabel Shabbos before going to the Mikvah.
Note: Your husband must be Mekabel Shabbos at the time of your candle lighting.
Note: If you want to light candles and then drive to the mikvah, you need to consult a Rav, if it is acceptable in your case/area. Some Rabbonim do not allow because of traffic concerns and possible chilul Shabbos.
Do Chafifah on Erev Shabbos
(Erev Yom Tov)
If you have long hair, tie it back
so it won’t get tangled.
(Use clip that can easily be
removed without tearing hair).
Do entire CHAFIFAH on Erev Shabbos (Erev Yom Tov), preferably at home.
If difficult to do chafifah close to candle lighting, you may bathe earlier in the day and shower thoroughly before candle lighting,
pay attention to folds and orifices and then re-comb and inspect.
- Be careful not to get a Chatzitza in the gap between Chafifah and Tevilah.
- Do not apply makeup
- No eating after Chafifah until Tevilah. You may drink water.
REMEMBER to do final bedikah
Mikvah on Friday Night (first night Yom Tov)
At Mikvah before Immersion:
Smooth out hairs with hands
- Rinse genital area using hands (no wash cloth or sponge).
Wet yourself (folds and orifices) in the Mikvah waters
before immersion.
- Be careful not to wring out hair.
Mikvah on Motzoei Shabbos
(Motzoei Yom Kippur/Tisha B’Av)
Chafifah is done Twice: Once on Erev
& the Second time on Motzoei
Do Chafifah #1 on Erev Shabbos
(Erev YK & TB)
If you have long hair, tie it back so it won’t get tangled.
(Use clip that can easily be removed without tearing hair).
Do entire CHAFIFAH on Erev Shabbos (Erev Yom Tov}.
If difficult to do chafifah close to candle lighting, you may bathe earlier in the day and shower thoroughly before candle lighting, Pay attention to folds and orifices and then re-comb and inspect.
Be careful to avoid sticky substances etc. in the gap between Chafifah and Tevilah.
REMEMBER to continue with
Bedikos as necessary, (Day 6 & 7)
Mikvah On Motzoei Shabbos (YK & TB)
Do Chafifah #2 on Motzoei
- Do Chafifah. Take a thorough bath or shower
If full bath was taken Erev, then thorough shower is required Motzoei.
However, if only shower was taken Erev, then full bath is required Motzoei.
- Remember to clean and floss teeth carefully
- It is better to lightly file nails Motzoei, if they were cut Erev (Minhag).
Comb your hairs
When you are unable to do full Chafifah
Erev Shabbos (Yom Kippur/Tisha B’Av)
- If you are unable to do anything Erev Shabbos you may do full Chafifah Motzoei (bath, wash, nails, comb, check, etc).
should take a minimum
of 1 full hour.
- If you are unable to do full Chafifah on Erev Shabbos
(Erev Yom Kippur/Tisha B’Av), then do something to start,
example, cut nails, shower etc. Then Motzoei take a full bath
and complete Chafifa process (wash, comb, check).
- Since something was begun on Erev, then Chafifah on Motzoei should take a minimum
of 30 minutes.
Mikvah on Second
Night Yom Tov
Do Chafifah on Erev Yom Tov (weekday)
Do entire CHAFIFAH on Erev Yom Tov (weekday).
Remember to remove hair and
cut nails.
If difficult to do Chafifah close to candle lighting, you may bathe earlier in the day and shower thoroughly before candle lighting,
Pay attention to folds and orifices) and then re-comb and inspect.
If you have long hair, tie it back so it won’t get tangled. (Use clip that can easily be removed without tearing hair).
- Be careful to avoid sticky substances etc, in the gap between Chafifah and Tevilah.
- Do not apply makeup.
REMEMBER to continue with Bedikos as necessary.
Mikvah on Second Night Yom Tov
At Mikvah before Immersion:
- Be extra careful with teeth. Clean teeth with plastic toothpicks, dry toothbrush and mouthwash. If you normally do not bleed from flossing, then floss with pre-cut floss. Rinse mouth.
- Note: Clean teeth after eating meat & chicken,
as well as prior to immersion.
Smooth out hairs with hands
- Rinse genital area with hands (no washcloth
or sponge).
- If necessary you may rinse parts of body individually, with warm water. (Especially
folds and orifices) No washcloth or sponge. Liquid soap may be used. Hair of head
should not be rinsed.
Wet yourself (folds and orifices) in the Mikvah waters before immersion.
- Be careful not to wring out hair.
Motzoei two-day or three-day
Yom Tov/Motzoei Yom Tov
Motzoei two-day or three-day Yom Tov/Motzoei Yom Tov
When is Chafifah done?
- It is preferable to do some Chafifah on Erev Yom Tov.
- Full Chafifah/Tub/Bath is done
Motzoei Yom Tov.
NO Immersion on these days!
- The night of Yom kippur and the night of Tisha B’Av
(Unless Tisha B’Av falls out on Shabbos and fast is postponed to Sunday).
- If husband/wife sitting shiva (R”l).
A Rav should be consulted for the following. The Rav will determine
if immersion should take place on schedule or be postponed.
- If night of immersion falls out on night of a calendar Onah of separation.
- If the husband or wife is out of town (away from each other).
- If there are any practical or physical/medical reasons that relations may
not be had.
Mikvah Delay
It is important to make every effort to go to Mikvah on time.
- If Mikvah is EVER delayed, a Rav should be consulted. We do not delay immersion lightly, however, there may be times when it is extremely difficult, or impossible to immerse. The Rav will advise on how to proceed and advise of further Bedikos and whites.
- A Rav should be consulted if immersion should take place on a Friday nigh
- which resulted from it being postponed from a previous night.
R’ Boruch’s wife traveled to Uman on the first night of Chanuka in the winter of 1724 to immerse in a Mikva. After exiting, she encountered a non kosher animal three times. With Mesiras Nefesh, she dipped in the icy waters again.
Suddenly the water became like the waters of Gan Eden; warm and fragrant and healing. She passed her test and merited to have a special baby who became the Tzadik, ‘the Shpoler Zaide’. The special perfumed scent accompanied her for her whole life.
Chabad Mikvah
The way the Chabad Mikvah is constructed, “בור על גבי בור”.
As Chabad Chassidim, a Mikvah that is built Bor al Gabai Bor is preferred.
As taught by the Rebbe RaShab, this method allows less exchange of tap water for rain water, eliminating issues that may arise.
The following are several benefits of this model:
- The way the Mikvah pool is constructed on top of the pool, with natural water ensures less mixing of the water.
- The hot tap water above will remain unmixed with cool rain water below.
- There is no need for a plug which eliminates the risk of forgetting to remove the plug.
The following samples illustrate the different models of Mikvaos.
Note: If a “Bor Al Gabai Bor” Mikvah is not available in your area, it is acceptable to use any Mikvah that is under proper Rabbinical supervision.
Diagrams of Mikvaos

Diagram of the Chabad Mikvah