Sukkos Hours
Wednesday, 14 Nissan 10/15 - Wednesday, 21 Nissan 10/23: The Helpline will be available for callbacks only.
Motzei Shabbos, 17 Tishrei, 10/17 & 24 Tishrei, 10/26: The Helpline will be open with regular hours of 8:00 - 10:00 PM ET
4 Shvat 5784
With Hashem's help and the Rebbe's brachos, Mikvah.org is excited to announce the launch of a Taharas Hamishpacha Helpline, staffed by experienced certified Kallah Teachers, and Rabbinically endorsed by a committee of prominent Chabad Rabbonim who are experts in this field.
The Helpline is a dedicated woman-to-woman phone service where women can ask their questions relating to Taharas Hamishpacha. During its hours, the Helpline will provide the callers with a welcoming environment for a woman to ask her questions and gain support in this Mitzvah.
If the question needs to go to a Rav, the Helpline Staffer will have easy access to contact the Rav for the caller or can facilitate the conversation between the caller and the Rav.
Please visit Mikvah.org/Helpline for the current hours as they are subject to change due to the time of year. _____