Breastfeeding and Jewish Law
A general outline of the laws of breastfeeding. A woman should consult her own Rav for any clarifications.
Read MoreA general outline of the laws of breastfeeding. A woman should consult her own Rav for any clarifications.
Read MoreNo glamor, no fame, no set hours or conventional pay! I wouldn't have it any other way!
Read MoreNo parent is perfect, not I nor you. Your task is to do your best which will include at times mistakes. Sometimes these mistakes are obvious or sometimes you will only become aware of them in hindsight.
Read MoreHow will my children understand love if they never see displays of affection between their parents?
Read MoreTimes are financially stressful. What does that mean to our children? Where should we cut corners? Where should we not cut corners?
Read MoreDoes security and comfort bring us success? Does challenge and adversity make us stronger, better than before?
Read MoreMust one resign themselves to the fact that their life has boiled down to making tuna sandwiches?
Read MoreWhen you get married or live in a committed relationship, particularly when you have children, it can be difficult to balance work and home life. Sometimes these legitimate and competing interests can cause conflict. Here are 5 tips that will help you make home and work harmonious and improve all your relationships:
Read MoreTeaching priorities to our children, learning them for ourselves, can be a challenging task. Torah clearly shows us how to prioritize!
Read MoreOne thing I never understood in the Haggadah of Pesach. What's so wise about the Wise Son? He asks his parents, "What are all the laws that our G-d has commanded you?"
Read MorePlease G-d we are expecting a baby soon. We know that if it is a boy then we can't tell anyone his name until the Bris. But why?
Read MoreWe had a baby boy and we are very excited. But we are still undecided about the Bris. I have issues with it. I am aware of the spiritual significance of the circumcision, but I have much more practical concerns.
Read MoreHashem created this world for His children, for you and for me, See the splendor in His creation, from sea to shimmering sea.
Read MoreMy daughter took a paperweight off my husband's desk, It was shaped like a globe, with oceans, countries, and the rest.
Read MoreA meeting was held far from earth With the angels and G-d above. They said it is time again for another birth This child will need much love.
Read MoreVisual images have great impact on man's mind: What one sees can leave lasting impressions for good or bad.[1] Viewing sacred objects or images has positive benefits;[2] pictures of impure animals harm[3] the mind and soul.
Read MoreAs I walk through the hallways of our preschool and peek into the classrooms I am always amazed by the sense of confidence that our children seem to have.
Read MoreI have a confession to make: My spiritual mentor is not a rabbi, or a teacher, or a scholar. You might say he is a spiritual guide of a more unconventional sort.
Read MoreIts always seemed to me that the discussion of conception and child-bearing is an intensely private one, one to be held primarily between husband and wife.
Read MoreThe most important gift we can give our children is self-esteem. Research has shown over and over again that children who have a positive self-image are able to go out and take on the world.
Read More"Mommy, Mommy!" Sobbing loudly, Naomi ran into my bedroom in the middle of the night, for the fourth time that week. A recurring nightmare kept waking her from her sleep.
Read MoreHow to teach today's precocious kids values...How to prepare them for the adult world without treating them as adults...How to command respect while respecting them as well...
Read MoreWhat do I do when my five-year-old gets angry? He becomes furious and aggressive when he doesnt get what he wants.
Read MoreAs parents we know more than our children. We are older and wiser. We have more experience and this experience often makes us more practical, smarter in the ways of the world.
Read MoreThis article will examine the prevalent issues and controversies and the necessity for a new philosophy on babies, motherhood and life in general.
Read MoreI know how badly parents want to find the pill to cure their teenager's at-risk behavior. In fact, most parents wished there was a magic pill they or their children could take and the problems would somehow go away.
Read MoreOur five year old is an only child who has been a difficult sleeper since birth and has developed a severe fear of the dark. Every night she wakes up crying, saying she's had a bad dream.
Read MoreI've been noticing recently that my husband is taking a few more minutes to recite Birchas Hashachar (morning blessings). Of course, he has good reason for the extra concentration.
Read MoreMarriage is for growth. By its very nature your marriage will continuously give you opportunities to develop your character. The more challenging one's marriage, the greater the growth possibilities.
Read MoreLiving, as he did, in a town with 40 churches and no operating synagogue, I would imagine my stepfather was the only man around with his favorite Rashi.
Read MoreAre you feeling drained from raising a hyperactive child? Recently, I came across a book called Transforming the Difficult Child by Howard Glasser, which offers one of the best drug-free parenting solutions I have ever seen.
Read MoreI wind little tendrils of wet, blonde hair around my fingers, making curls as I go. Perfect little circles make a golden halo. Finally, I have created my masterpiece a head full of ringlets.
Read MoreThis is the first in a series of six articles that we hope will be helpful in guiding you, the reader, in your decisions about what might be driving a child's behavior.
Read MoreThis is the second in a series of six articles that we hope will be helpful in guiding you, the reader, in your decisions about what might be driving a child's behavior.
Read MoreThis is the third in a series of six articles that we hope will be helpful in guiding you, the reader, in your decisions about what might be driving a child's behavior.
Read MoreThis is the fourth in a series of six articles that we hope will be helpful in guiding you, the reader, in your decisions about what might be driving a child's behavior.
Read MoreOnce again, I had the awesome privilege of participating in the birth of a new grandchild. My daughter, who is one of the emissaries of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, OBM, in Milan, Italy, came to visit us in L.A...
Read MoreWhen my daughter doesn't get her way, she bothers me until she causes a scene. At home I just send her to her room. But when we're out shopping I usually give in to her, just to quiet her down. How can I get her to behave when we go out?
Read MoreLife has so many blessings; what's often missing is our mindfulness, taking pause to recognize and appreciate them.
Read MoreEver since a tragic accident (r"l) in my community, I have become very concerned about my children's safety.
Read MoreThis past Monday, our son Sholom turned three years old and got his very first haircut. Although, our morning routine will be now be one step shorter...
Read MoreMy 13 year-old is an excellent student and loves to read, but that's all he wants to do! READ! I haven't been able to interest him in any sports or activities outside the house.
Read MoreThe successful education and guidance of children requires an effective strategy. A successful strategy can be broken into three components; goals, motivation, and techniques.
Read MoreChildren always have parents, regardless if the parents are married, separated or divorced. As parents, it is a major responsibility to raise our children to become healthy adults...
Read MorePart of the make-up of the mentsch is the power of self-discipline. A characteristic of our ideal human being is the ability to make decisions based not only on expected short-term satisfaction but also with a view to the long-term.
Read MoreI am having major problems with my two year old. He has huge tantrums and is impossible to control. We are going crazy and don't know what to do. Is there some Kabbalistic formula to get a child to behave?
Read MoreIf I had to condense our overarching goal of preschool into a single sentence it would be to encourage our children to value their thoughts and feelings and to use them to make active choices that will allow them to lead a fulfilling life.
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