Musings of A Mikvah Attendant
A volunteer mikvah attendant shares her thoughts and feelings of awe and fulfillment in this holy role
Read MoreA volunteer mikvah attendant shares her thoughts and feelings of awe and fulfillment in this holy role
Read MoreSivan was in her ninth month of pregnancy. She wanted to perform a custom to immerse in a mikvah during the ninth month in preparation for her upcoming birth. She had also heard of a segulah (a good omen) for someone trying to conceive, to immerse in the mikvah after this, as a special merit for them.
Read MoreThe Following Stories are reprinted with permission from BR Embrace, a magazine connecting Beth Rivkah alumni globally.
Read MoreI'm sitting in the Mikvah waiting room. For the first time in almost a year and a half. Perhaps the longest amount of time I've gone between Mikvah visits since I was married almost a decade ago. Let's blame it or give thanks to - depending on how you look at it - on babies, nursing, hormones.
Read MoreWhat to do when Mikvah falls out on T'Sha B'Av
Read MoreAs a nervous bride-to-be with my mother by my side, as is often the custom the very first time, I felt like Iâd gained entry into a secret society the first time I attended the mikvah.
Read MoreInstructions and Tips for Mikvah preparation and immersion on Yom Tov
Read MoreWhat is as holy as Yom Kippur, as powerful as prayer and the secret of a spiritually dynamic marriage? You may not believe it, but the answer is The Mikvah. The traditional Jewish observance guiding the intimate relationship between husband and wife.
Read MoreReprinted, with permission, from The Taharas Hamishpacha Workbook by Rabbi David Kaufman,this checklist can be used by women having trouble estimating the amount of time they should use to prepare for Mikvah immersion. This list was approved by Rabbi Sholom Ber Chaikin, a Rav who deals especially with the laws of family purity. The timing allocations are suggestions, not Halacha, and are meant for usual circumstances. Get ready for the beautiful zechus (merit) of this mitzvah, as you prepare in a spirit of joy. This covers the Chafifah part of the preparations.
Read MoreSome inportant guidelines to asking a shaala (halachic question) correctly. Learn how to develop a relationship with a Rav to ensure a personalized response. Understand how to ask the question with attention to clarity and detail. Adapted from a presentaion given by Rabbi Yosef Braun and Rabbi Tuvia Kasimov
Read MoreOne woman's thoughts and feelings on mikvah and all it represents
Read MoreThe brilliance of Taharas Hamishpachah becomes evident to human eyes
Read MoreI was about to say No to mikvah...but it occurred to me that as a travel journalist, I seek out, and frequently attend ceremonies from other cultures. Why not try my own?
Read MorePart VI in a series of articles explaining the role of the Bodeket in keeping the complex laws of Taharas Hamishpacha
Read MoreA Jewish couple who gave up hope on having a child rolled into Chabad of Nepal. What happened next will deeply move you.
Read MorePart V in a series of articles explaining the role of the bodeket in keeping the complex laws of Taharas Hamishpacha
Read MoreSome inspiring true stories about mikvah.
Read MorePart IV in a series of articles explaining the role of the bodeket in keeping the complex laws of Taharas Hamishpacha
Read MorePart III in a series of articles explaining the role of the bodeket in keeping the complex laws of Taharas Hamishpacha
Read MoreCan stress of life interfere with mikvah immersion...
Read MorePart II in a series of articles explaining the role of the bodeket in keeping the complex laws of Taharas Hamishpacha
Read MorePart I in a series of articles explaining the role of the bodeket in keeping the complex laws of Taharas Hamishpacha.
Read MoreSometimes, we are lucky enough to see revealed blessings right before our eyes!
Read MoreImmersing in the mikvah on schedule can sometimes be challenging in our hectic lives.
Read MoreAt 16 Whalepond Road, right next door to Shaare Tefilah (the Eatontown Shul), is where youll find the brand new Jherin Esther Gorcey Mikveh. The story of its construction is one of heartfelt prayers, bitter tears, and incredible miracles.
Read MoreImmersion in the Mikvah represents a bond with the source of all existence, God. A woman who immerses so that her entire body is covered by the waters of the mikvah is relating totally, with her entire being, to God.
Read MoreI live in an area that has exactly one minute to get to safety when the sirens start shrieking
Read MoreTaharas Hamishpacha was very important to her and one of the first things she did upon her arrival, in this strange new country, was to locate the nearest mikvah.
Read MoreA post-menopause mikvah experience.
Read MoreI vaguely knew about the Mikvah but it had always seemed to me something of another world.
Read MoreAfter a lengthy courtship my partner and I decided to get married. Let me start at the beginning.
Read MoreSo there I was engaged and very excited to marry my fiancé when I began to hear about all the things I needed to do to prepare for marriage.
Read MoreMikvah...Immersion...Sometimes the timing is not very convenient! What to do? To go on time or postpone? Hmmm...
Read MoreI went to the Mikvah for the first time 18 months ago as a bride...
Read MoreMikvah is an exquisite art. Not only can the mikvah bring a person to the final step towards becoming a part of Klal Israel, following a lengthy process and the directives of the Beis Din of course, but it also allowed me to be reborn.
Read MoreAn elderly Jew with a large black Yarmulke once appeared at the Chabad counter in Ben Gurion Airport in Israel.
Read MoreThe Three Mitzvot of the Woman are special, holy and spiritual, transcending everyday life
Read MoreThere is nothing more holy in this world, nothing more precious to the Creator, than the union of a man and a woman. It is, after all, the fountain of life. What could be more precious than life - other than the source from which life comes?
Read MoreI was angry at God at that point in my life. Not only did it seem to me that He had held back the treasures of Judaism till I was forty, it seemed that I also would never get a chance to experience, together with my husband, the beautiful and intimate ritual of mikvah.
Read MoreOne woman's uplifting experience with mikvah after breast cancer...
Read MoreThe mikvah is a beautiful place, filled with spirituality. It represents the chain of generations of Jewish women of which we become another link.
Read MoreThere are so many reasons to love the mikvah (Jewish ritual bath).
Read MoreTwo complimentary reasons emerge when contemplating the various times we are instructed to go to the mikvah, the Jewish ritual bath.
Read MoreA friend of mine called me a little while back. She was married just over a year and mentioned that she had not yet been blessed with a pregnancy.
Read MorePut joy into your mikvah preparations!
Read MoreFor many women keeping the laws of mikvah is a terrifying, monumental task. They do not know how to control the compulsive behavior that leads them to obsess over their keeping of this sacred mitzvah.
Read MoreHope always implies change.It is for a change in the status quo that a person hopes. In particular, hope is sensed strongest when a person finds himself in a desperate situation; when he has hit rock-bottom.
Read MoreThe mikvah lady rules. For thousands of years, women like Janice Fellner have guided Jewish women through the monthly purification ritual God called for in the Book of Leviticus.
Read MoreYears ago, the following story occurred: There was a young couple who had a very unhappy marriage, and they decided to divorce. The wife's Mother, who lived in Eretz Yisroel, was devastated by this decision...
Read MoreI was in Bangkok, Thailand when, Ronit, my husband's cousin, told me her personal story. Before there was a mikvah in Bangkok, women would have to travel down to the seaside and tovel themselves in the sea.
Read MoreI was delighted to read the article by Heidi Hass about her Mikvah experience with Bronya Shaffer.
Read MoreMy husband and I have been married for ten years, and six years ago we were blessed with a son. Within a year of our son's birth, cancer was discovered in my husband's kidneys and they had to be removed.
Read MoreSomehow, I managed to make it through 22 years of marriage before the notion of mikvah (ritual bath), was raised for me. Sure, I knew that married Jewish women went to the mikvah and observed the laws of Taharat Hamishpacha (Family Purity)...
Read MoreIn the town of Emmanuel in Eretz Yisroel (Israel), there lived an elderly couple, olim (immigrants) from Russia, who were childless. They lived there for several years, quietly and alone, without any real contact with other members of the community.
Read MoreI am not a very religious Jew but I knew I wanted to go to the mikvah before my marriage. I was a bit hesitant but I had some lessons with an incredibly warm and progressive rebbetzin so I was quite excited about it.
Read MoreIn the many years that my wife and I have been involved in teaching the laws of Family Purity, we have observed many instances of Hashgacha Pratit , Divine Providence.
Read MoreMy husband and I had alot of issues committing to marriage. We had cancelled one wedding and no one could understand why we were still together.
Read MoreThe Mikvah is the cornerstone of a vibrant Jewish home. It is within the natural waters of the Mikvah that a woman immerses herself monthly, from marriage till menopause, so that a husband and wife can live a full life of intimacy together.
Read More"This was a very enlightening experience. It was a sacred moment for me that I will cherish. I fel like my blessings were truly heard tonight and for that I am thankful!..." Dara
Read MoreMy daughter, Shayna G.K., was married in 1999. She desired to go the mikvah, for the first time, before her wedding.
Read MoreI didn't go to the mikvah every month. (Few people I know do.) I am content that I went to the mikvah the night before my wedding, no one can ever take that night away from me.
Read MoreMy name is Masha. I am 58 years old, and I live in Cape Town, South Africa.
Read MoreSo my beautiful Rebbetzin Channie said to me one day Rose, what are we doing special for your 70th birthday a mitzvah, something special?
Read MoreIt has a sound all its own. I have never heard anything like it anywhere else.
Read MoreThe Jewish home is not just an accidental unit where a man, woman, and children live. It is a sacred unit, the quintessential core of Jewish existence, and the wellspring of Jewish values from which a child draws spiritual sustenance for a lifetime.
Read MoreIt was as scary as anything I'd ever done, and I wasn't sure why. As a Reform Jew, my sense of being commanded by G-d does not come with a set of 613 unambiguous instructions...
Read MoreI am young, British born and part of a large Jewish family. I work in advertising and have as many non-Jewish friends as Jewish friends.
Read MoreNot infrequently we come across interpretations of Torah precepts in the light of rational thought and scientific discoveries. There has been a division of opinion since Talmudic times on whether one ought to seek to understand...
Read MoreIs it true only oppressed Orthodox Jewish women use the mikveh? Surprisingly, the feminist stereotype just won't wash.
Read MoreThere is nothing more holy in this world, nothing more precious to its Creator, than the union of a man and a woman. It is, after all, the fountain of life.
Read MoreThe laws of Taharas Hamishpacha (Family Purity) are an integral part of our religious faith and stemming as they do from our Torah, are not always fully understood by our mortal minds.
Read MoreAttempts to present Jewish religious practices as cruel, harmful or downright evil, alas, are nothing new. Jewish ritual slaughter, circumcision and Shabbat have all, at one time or another, been publicly assailed.
Read MoreA more absurd projection of Christian sexual asceticism onto Judaism would be hard to imagine. Think Again First, a confession: I am not a woman.
Read MoreOnce a month, after nightfall, my wife keeps a secret appointment. Neither our neighbors, our friends, nor our children know where she goes, although our children sometimes wonder why she returns an hour or so later with her hair wet.
Read MoreAmerica is over 200 years old and a lot has happened in the last 200 some odd years. Especially to the Jewish woman.
Read MoreLet's tackle the question of sexism first; do you sincerely feel that there is no sexism in Jewish life?
Read MoreIt's a women's ritual as ancient as the Hebrew scriptures. But in modern times, the concept of visiting a ritual bath - or mikvah - has become as foreign to most Jews as it is to the rest of the population.
Read MoreEntering menopause: A time of transformation. A new phase of life begins. Invigoration. Inspiration.
Read MoreMikvah-The word evokes a relaxing, spiritual, beautiful image in your mind, for some, it unfortunately evokes a negative, degrading image of how women are treated as dirty, impure, or unclean in Orthodox Judaism.
Read MoreGenetically, a woman inherits characteristics from her Mother, and she should be proud to do so. The very first Jewish Mother was Sarah Imeinu, and she bequeathed to us...
Read MoreIn the 1980s, during the last years of the Brezhnev regime, the Chassidic underground in Russia had yielded a crop of young returnees to Jewish practice.
Read MoreThe following is a five part series of correspondence from a woman learning of Mikvah, after menopause, for the first time. Please enjoy this inspirational exchange and follow her journey of discovery.
Read MoreIt was August of 1994 and I was leading a kosher tour in Scandinavia; it was summer but we could already feel the bite of fall.
Read MoreNot too many modern Jews are fully acquainted with the many rules and regulations set forth in Halacha (Code of Jewish Law).
Read MoreWith all of America reading books by the experts on topics ranging from "How to Keep a Happy Parakeet" to "Total, Unequaled...
Read MoreI began my married life with a non-Jewish husband, an ambitious nature, a college degree, and a bit of an attitude.
Read MoreBefore we discuss Jewish insights into the very private world of intimacy, we need to free ourselves of some non-Jewish notions about the topic.
Read MoreI am a Jew, but I am not religious. I light candles Friday night, but don't keep Shabbat. I don't eat pork, but I mix dairy and meat. I don't know the Hebrew prayers, but I speak to G d.
Read MoreOne of the most widely misunderstood concepts in the Torah are contained in the words tumah and taharah. Translated as "unclean" and "clean," or "impure" and "pure,"
Read MoreJudaism is very realistic in its understanding of human sexuality. It understands there is love between men and women that is unique and total, that reaches fulfillment in physical expression.
Read MoreWhat is as holy as Yom Kippur, more spiritual than meditating and the best thing you can do for your love life? You may not believe it, but the answer is THE MIKVAH - the ancient Jewish method guiding the intimate relationship between husband and wife.
Read MoreThis Sunday is my third wedding anniversary. This Saturday night is the third anniversary of my first Mikvah immersion.
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