Caressed by the Mikvahs Waters Month After Month
As a nervous bride-to-be with my mother by my side, as is often the custom the very first time, I felt like Iâd gained entry into a secret society the first time I attended the mikvah.
Read MoreAs a nervous bride-to-be with my mother by my side, as is often the custom the very first time, I felt like Iâd gained entry into a secret society the first time I attended the mikvah.
Read MoreMy wig is my crown, On top of my head, a symbol of royalty, Identifying me as the Chosen Nation. Its strands glisten like gems, Each expertly arranged To reflect my position As a princess. Gentle, tasteful, poised, respectable. Perched on my head in perfect placement.
Read MoreWho is better? Men or women?
Read MorePart I in a series of articles explaining the role of the bodeket in keeping the complex laws of Taharas Hamishpacha.
Read MoreWhen we consider the effects of our dress and behavior on others, we develop a sensitivity to the nuances of the male-female dynamic, making our marital relationship all the more powerful and holy.
Read MoreG-d is an unabashed romantic.
Read MoreEnjoy this entertaining video on the wonderful mitzvah of making Challah.
Read MoreI once gave a brachah to a friend that she should be married for so long that all of the handles should fall off of her pots and pans.
Read MoreDoes one ever 'lose' a mother? Does she remain with you forever?
Read MoreHashem gave woman a beautiful gift. He gave her three very special mitzvoth characterized by the acronym CHANA: Challah, Nidah and Hadlakat Neirot. Rearrange the letters and the word forms HACHEN: meaning grace, a state achieved by the woman who takes upon herself the performance of these three beautiful and crucial mitzvoth.
Read MoreAre men and women created the same? What is the Torah view?
Read MoreA staple of Jewish life is modesty. In the way we walk down the street, in the way we interact with others, and in the way we dress.
Read MoreA few years ago, my family and I spent our summer vacation up north in Tzfat, leaving our home in Central Israel for a few days.
Read MoreIsn't wearing a wig over hair (especially if the Wig is nicer than the hair) pointless?
Read MoreThe Three Mitzvot of the Woman are special, holy and spiritual, transcending everyday life
Read MoreI have often heard it said that Judaism believes that women are more spiritual than men. This is supposed to explain why men have more religious obligations than women - men need these things to become closer to G-d, women are there already. But do we really believe that?
Read MoreModesty can only enhance any intimate relationship and bring a couple ever closer in true love and respect for one another.
Read MoreMama, she tests the word gingerly on her lips, Touches her tummy tenderly, with her fingertips. As she feels that first flutter just beneath her heart,
Read MoreI admit it. Lots of my friends think theres something wrong with me. They know I love to eat, I love to eat great food, and Im happiest when Im eating.
Read MoreLast week in Shul (Synagogue), I listened to the Torah Reading. At its' conclusion, before the Torah Scroll was rolled...
Read MoreShe asked if I wanted volunteers to help with my special needs child. I said that would be great. She said she has two girls offering to volunteer on Sundays. I said Shabbos would be much better for us.
Read MoreEvery part of our lives, from the happiest moments to the terribly unfortunate ones, is recognized by the Torah, G-d's life script of infinite wisdom. The Torah prescribes instructions which help guide our attitudes, our responses and our behaviors for all of life.
Read More"Sacrifice" is not a word one hears very often these days. It seems to pretty much have fallen out of our lexicon. It has a negative ring to it, like giving up something precious or losing out on something big. Nobody is getting in line to be the "sacrificial lamb." It simply has a bad vibe to the modern ear.
Read MoreYour daughter seems to be losing too much weight lately. She has become more finicky about food and hardly eats in your presence.
Read MoreWhy does Judaism command women to keep their bodies covered? Is there something shameful or evil about a woman's body? Why should a woman have to hide herself just so others shouldn't be tempted?
Read MoreThere are three mitzvaot that are especially sacred to the Jewish woman. These are: Shabbat Candles, Lighting, Challah, and Taharat Hamishpacha (Family Sanctity).
Read MoreEven in this day and age, most women graciously accept the traditional "ladies first" rule, whether it's getting off a sinking ship or going through a ballroom doorway.
Read MoreBoth man and woman are obliged to fulfill G-d's mitzvos (precepts). The man is obligated to perform all 613 commandments.
Read MoreDo women occupy a position in Judaism inferior to men? Does Torah and the lifestyle it mandates discriminate against women?
Read MoreI heard an anthropologist talking about shaitels (wigs). He said how ironic it is that observant Jewish women wear wigs. In biblical Judaism, the rule was that married women should cover their hair in order to be modest and unattractive.
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