We are blessed to have so many systems in place to help others during their time of need. Each organization listed is unique, so read through the descriptions to find the best fit for you. Most of the services offered are free of charge.
Read MoreThe following guide is based on questions that were submitted by women who have experienced the loss of a pregnancy. They relate to taharas hamishpachah, the laws of Shabbos, tumas meis, etc. The answers given by HaRav Kasimov are for general knowledge and should not take the place of asking a she’elah to a Rav, as even a slight detail may change the psak. While this is not a complete guide to the halachas pertaining to pregnancy loss, these are the most frequently asked questions.
Read MoreStory of a childless woman and a miracle, told in her own words
Read MoreMazal Tov! You are about to begin a brand new chapter of your life and I wish you bracha and hatzlacha in every aspect of your journey.
Read MoreMarried, waiting to conceive...trusting in Hashem...
Read MoreA special neshama, here for just a moment in time, fulfills its purpose in a way we cannot understand
Read MoreHashem has a plan for each of us. Often the goodness of that plan is hard to see and His kindness evades our simple view. One woman writes of her trust and faith in all that He does, even through her pain.
Read MoreWritten from the heart trying to understand Hashem's ways, this poem touches the soul.
Read MoreA poem written from the heart upon the loss of a child
Read MoreEach life is a miracle. Sometimes, that miracle is here for just a moment in time. Only Hashem understands why.
Read MoreEven though statistics show that many women reading this right now have experienced the loss of a pregnancy, most of these women have not and likely never will publicly address or even mention in private the fact of their miscarriage. Being that this kind of death is a fact of many women's lives, and that silence and shame only exaggerate the pain, I am opening up about my own miscarriage, which occurred a little over two months ago.
Read MoreAre You Mine? A Poem on Stillbirth
Read MoreIt was during our first year of marriage; my wife was three months pregnant, for the first time. We were staying at my parents for Yom Kippur.
Read MoreBy the time I reached my early thirties, I felt my biological clock pounding away as I searched for a suitable husband. I was so relieved to get married at the age of 36, and assumed that I would get pregnant almost immediately.
Read MoreWhen your baby is stillborn, expectations, hopes and dreams are cruelly shattered and lives are changed. Many parents have initial feelings of shock and confusion when told that their baby has died. What happened? Why you?
Read MoreBy hashgacha pratis (Divine Providence) the deadline for this article was around the time of the anniversary of my own miscarriage three years ago.
Read MoreAt my baby shower, my friend Sveta pats my bulging belly: "Oh, let me touch the baby," she says wistfully, "and maybe I can catch this wonderful virus of pregnancy." After years of infertility and painful, expensive medical procedures, she is still not able to conceive. Diagnosis: unknown.
Read MoreNow that you have experienced a pregnancy loss, you are probably feeling more sadness then you ever thought possible. The emotional impact often takes longer to heal than the physical impact. Allowing yourself to grieve the loss can help you come to accept it over time.
Read MoreI suffered a miscarriage recently. While I am thankful for the beautiful children I have, I still feel a sense of loss for the child that I will never know. Is there some kabbalistic explanation for why these things happen?
Read MoreFourteen years ago I gave birth to a baby girl. Four hours later she died because of an internal malformation that was undetectable during my pregnancy.
Read MoreBy Divine Providence, the deadline for this article fell on the anniversary of my own miscarriage three years ago. I planned it, wrote and rewrote the article in my head, revising it for months.
Read MoreI had it really easy growing up. I come from a loving family, with wonderful parents and great friends. I graduated with honors, attended an Ivy League university and landed a prestigious job as soon as I finished.
Read MoreEvery part of our lives, from the happiest moments to the terribly unfortunate ones, is recognized by the Torah, G-d's life script of infinite wisdom. The Torah prescribes instructions which help guide our attitudes, our responses and our behaviors for all of life.
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