My Father called me in
To send me on a journey
He told me it would be difficult
But I would return home soon
He told me he would give me
A weak vessel to sail in
But for much of the time
A stronger, bigger ship would carry me
He told me I could not choose my own vessel
But I could choose the mother ship
I chose one that would protect me
Love me and treasure me
I started my voyage
I learned much on the way
I learned cosmic secrets
I learned the truth of creation
I stayed in the mother ship
I was welcome to stay as long as I needed
But one day
I had to try my weak vessel on my own.
I launched myself in my small vessel
With the help of the mother ship
Into the vast sea
I could not understand
I sailed from port to port
Always welcome
Loved, cared for, celebrated
Nurtured, soothed, adored
Until one day
My weak vessel
Could carry me no more.
My Father called, come home.
He asked me about my journey
I told Him about the laughter
I told Him about the tears
I told Him about the love
I told my Father everything
For I felt goodness in that vast sea
I loved my mother ship and all the ports
I want to sail again and stay forever with them