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This article provides an overview of the various resources available on Mikvah.org. From practical guidance to educational materials, Mikvah.org offers a range of resources to explore.
Read MoreThis article provides an overview of the various resources available on Mikvah.org. From practical guidance to educational materials, Mikvah.org offers a range of resources to explore.
Read MoreClear guidelines for five components of a Chabad wedding to follow Halacha accurately and bring down the desired blessings for the newly married couple, reviewed and endorsed by many Chabad Rabbonim.
Read MoreWhat is as holy as Yom Kippur, as powerful as prayer and the secret of a spiritually dynamic marriage? You may not believe it, but the answer is The Mikvah. The traditional Jewish observance guiding the intimate relationship between husband and wife.
Read MoreIn a relationship, to surrender means unconditional acceptance and total commitment. At Mount Sinai, when the Jewish people received the Torah, they said: "We will do and we will listen" (Exod 24:7), they meant, "We accept You, God, as You are and we surrender to You unconditionally."
Read MoreIt's not that we don't care about our home. In fact, that's how we got the hole behind the couch in the first place.
Read MoreEnjoy this entertaining video on the wonderful mitzvah of making Challah.
Read MoreI once gave a brachah to a friend that she should be married for so long that all of the handles should fall off of her pots and pans.
Read MoreCan I afford a large family? Should we have a big family and hope for divine assistance to maintain our standard of living?
Read MoreHow will my children understand love if they never see displays of affection between their parents?
Read MoreAmnesia is a frightening illness. Imagine forgetting who you are -- suddenly you have no family, no history, and no identity. It can happen to an individual and it can happen to a people.
Read MoreWhat is of most important to us? What do we truly value? When it comes to our money, everything must be under lock and key, safe and sound, with ironclad securities. Are we as careful with our children?
Read MoreIs it charity? Or am I bribing G-d?
Read MoreIs there something wrong with placing flowers on a grave? Why do I see stones placed upon the headstones?
Read MoreDoes security and comfort bring us success? Does challenge and adversity make us stronger, better than before?
Read MoreWhy do we need a rabbi? The internet provides answers to everything! What more can one possibly need?!
Read MoreWhen does life actually begin? Conception or birth?
Read MoreTeaching priorities to our children, learning them for ourselves, can be a challenging task. Torah clearly shows us how to prioritize!
Read MoreThere is nothing more holy in this world, nothing more precious to the Creator, than the union of a man and a woman. It is, after all, the fountain of life. What could be more precious than life - other than the source from which life comes?
Read MoreIt is easier to initially learn the right attitudes and interactions skills than to relearn and retrain herself after she has grown accustomed to various nonproductive patterns.
Read MoreI noticed on Friday night at the meal that before you blessed the Challah, you made a small cut...
Read MoreIt is my bar mitzvah this week. I was told this means I am becoming a man.
Read MoreFreedom itself is only half the story. What we do with our freedom that is the question. We need a purpose in life, and we need a moral, spiritual infrastructure to help guide us
Read MoreWe start off young and reckless without a worry in the world and as we get older we realize that life is short.
Read MoreWhat is the idea behind leaving a child's hair uncut until the third birthday?
Read MoreMy daughter has just converted to Judaism.She is not the first of my many adopted daughters to have done so, nor will she be the last.
Read MoreBaby girls do not have a bris (circumcision) with its accompanying pomp and festivity. Are they less important? Are we less joyous and thrilled over their birth than over the birth of a baby boy? Not at all...
Read MoreWe had a baby boy and we are very excited. But we are still undecided about the Bris. I have issues with it. I am aware of the spiritual significance of the circumcision, but I have much more practical concerns.
Read MoreMy family is my Home, an everlasting edifice, Built on a strong foundation of Torah and Chassidus. A Jewish Home is special, catching Light from Up Above,
Read MoreI sit at the table, surrounded by all, The silver candlesticks stand so shiny and tall. Father lifts his silver cup, high in his hand, He looks round at us all, and together we stand.
Read MoreA family is a magnificent garden It must be cultivated with great care, It is the most valuable, holy place A couple may be blessed to share.
Read MoreI gazed upon my mother, as she lay so frail and ill, Her hands rested so quietly - they had never been so still.
Read MoreShe glances round the house, at walls now stripped bare She saw outlines of pictures, now no longer there. She thinks of this house and all it has seen
Read MoreWhen I was asked what events brought Judaism into the equation of my life, I began the process of composing my life story, retracing my steps to pull together all the seemingly disjointed threads, for storytelling is fundamental to the search for meaning.
Read MoreParshas Nasso touches on one of the most disturbing issues facing our generation. The portion mentions the testing of a Sotah, a woman suspected of adultery.
Read MoreI understand that Torah law forbids all physical contact between a man and a woman -- or even for them to be alone in a room together -- unless they are first-degree relatives or married to each other.
Read MoreIn general, the giving of a name should be looked upon as a great responsibility that involves serious consideration by the parents. In many places in Kabbalah and Chassidus it is explained...
Read MoreCan you remember the last time you had a thoroughly hearty belly laugh? You know, the kind that has you laughing so hard you feel as if your sides could split?
Read MoreWhile I was growing up in the suburbs of America, I never actually knew any Orthodox people, but somehow, I knew all about them. A friend, while driving past the home of one of the few observant families in our town, once authoritatively commented that Orthodox people are dirty and unkempt.
Read MoreThank G-d, our eldest son finally married about 18 months ago,-- and to the most wonderful woman, Our family has waited a long time for this miraculous brocha (blessing); he turned 39 years old on his wedding day!
Read MoreWhy does Judaism command women to keep their bodies covered? Is there something shameful or evil about a woman's body? Why should a woman have to hide herself just so others shouldn't be tempted?
Read MoreAhh lunchtime the midday challenge of every woman, whether she is working, whether she is a Mom, whether she is both. Why is that? Breakfast and dinner seem to just fall into place, but lunch seems to be of a completely different species.
Read MoreWe were so excited to reach that day college graduation the world was awaiting our valuable contributions, our youthful energy and idealism. We were poised for success as we left the gates of the Ivy League campus.
Read MoreThis past Monday, our son Sholom turned three years old and got his very first haircut. Although, our morning routine will be now be one step shorter...
Read MoreIve been having a problem and someone I respect suggested I get professional help. I dont like the idea of telling my problems to a stranger, and I dont see what good it would do.
Read MoreIt was the evening before the first day of school, and I had a conversation with my 7th grade son, Ari. Together, we looked back at his last school year and thought about the changes he could make in his behavior so that this new year would be even better.
Read MoreWe all have relationships at various levels. There are shallow ones. And there are deeper ones. Then there are Covenantal ones. What's a 'Covenantal' relationship? It's an attitude that takes relationships to a whole new level.
Read MoreI can understand why someone would want to be a rock. Or, for that matter, an island. After all, a rock feels no pain and an island never cries. The thick psychological walls, the hearing-without-listening and speaking-without-communicating, seem to be helpful coping skills.
Read MoreSaturday night, December 13th, the 17th of Kislev, my daughter, Adelle Shayna went home to HaShem. Adelle Shaynas entire existence is a remarkable one.
Read MoreA dear friend of mine out in the blogosphere lost her battle with cancer recently. She was in a lot of pain, but she wanted to defeat it and go on living.
Read MoreA Bris is a covenant and through the millennia, Jews have kept this mitzvah like no other and have thereby maintained their eternal covenant with G-d. There were times when giving one's son a bris was punishable by death.
Read MorePart of the make-up of the mentsch is the power of self-discipline. A characteristic of our ideal human being is the ability to make decisions based not only on expected short-term satisfaction but also with a view to the long-term.
Read MoreThe Torah's dietary laws are quite specific. Animals must chew their cud and have split hooves to be kosher, fish need fins and scales, and a list of forbidden fowl is enumerated.
Read MoreThere are three mitzvaot that are especially sacred to the Jewish woman. These are: Shabbat Candles, Lighting, Challah, and Taharat Hamishpacha (Family Sanctity).
Read MoreBoth man and woman are obliged to fulfill G-d's mitzvos (precepts). The man is obligated to perform all 613 commandments.
Read MoreDo women occupy a position in Judaism inferior to men? Does Torah and the lifestyle it mandates discriminate against women?
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