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Sholom Bayis Series- Mrs. Lisa Twerski, LCSW

March 17th, 2025

The Sholom Bayis Series is a sampling of approaches from Torah educators, authors, and therapists offering ideas, tips, and resources for building and maintaining healthy relationships.

Join Mrs. Lisa Twerski, LCSW in a discussion of her new book,

"Me & You: What I Wish I Knew" and its practical applications

for couples.

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16. Conversations with our Children Part 1 - May 3rd, 2021 The groundbreaking webinar, "Conversations with our Children" is now available in audio format so every parent can access this information for the Kedusha of the future generation.  This series explores how parents can guide their children on relating to their bodies and preparing them for intimacy in their future marriages in the spirit of Kedusha and physical and emotional health.  In part one, Mrs. Rivky Boyarsky, RN, Mrs. Sara Morozow, and Mrs. Frumie Piekarski set the stage with guiding principles for opening and continuing conversation with our children.  We encourage you to listen to all four parts of this series for the complete picture. Click here for the PDF of the accompanying handouts.
17. Teen Reproductive Health - May 3rd, 2021 Dr. Heather Appelbaum, OB-GYN, guides mothers on supporting their growing daughters through their physical changes of puberty.  Part of a medical educational series for mothers, one should always consult your own medical authority, and a Rav and/or Mashpia if the decision has halachic or hashkafic ramifications. 
18. Overcoming Emotional Obstacles to Intimacy - May 6th, 2021 Pamela Klein, LCSW and AASECT certified therapist discusses practical ways couples can overcome common emotional obstacles to Intimacy.  While issues may be common as described, if interfering with Sholom Bayis, there is help available.  Visit mikvah.org/referrals for listed professionals.
19. Conversations with our Children Part 2 - May 11th, 2021 Part 2 of the "Conversations with our Children" webinar, now brought to you in audio format.  Mrs. Rivky Boyarsky, RN, Mrs. Sara Morozow, Mrs. and Mrs. Shifra Sharfstein role play common conversations and scenarios for various age groups, to bring part one's introduction into practical terms.  We recommend that you listen to this series in the correct order. ⁠Click here⁠ for the PDF of the accompanying handouts.
20. Conversations with our Children Part 3 - May 16th, 2021 In part 3 of the Conversations with our Children Webinar, Mrs. Rivky Boyarsky, RN, Mrs. Sara Morozow, Mrs. Frumie Piekarski, Mrs. Shifra Sharfstein present additional scenarios for role-playing as well as addressing ways to guide your children through their physical changes.  This session includes extensive Q&A that brings the conversation into very practical tools for parents. Click here to view the PDF of the accompanying handouts
21. Conversations with our Children Part 4 (Fathers) - May 25th, 2021 Dr. Shagalow, PsyD and Rabbi Sternberg bring the discussion specifically into focus for older boys and teens, and the importance of the father in this conversation.  Please listen to the entire podcast series in order for the complete picture. Click here for the PDF of the accompanying slideshow
22. Safety Kid Parent Workshop - May 31st, 2021 Debbie Fox, LCSW  and founder of Safety Kid, advises parents on crucial points for awareness in child safety, from toddlerhood through older teens.  Prefer to see the slides?  View the visual presentation at mikvah.org/media
27. Family Ties: Support without Constriction - October 25th, 2021 Dvora Entin LCSW PMH-C presents an evening of awareness for family and friends of loved ones on fertility journeys.  Learn how to be appropriately supportive during this sensitive and challenging time. For feedback or to sponsor an episode, please reach out at podcast@mikvah.org.
38. Feminine Force - December 31st, 2021 Ten Yad and Mikvah.org present an evening of inspiration and music with Mrs. Menucha Shochet and Mrs. Esty Prus.   Elevate your relationships by channeling your inner power, in the merit of a full recovery for Sima bas Dvosha.  Kol Isha - For women and girls only.
39. Halacha Review: Preparation & Immersion with Mrs. Mushky Kotlarsky - January 5th, 2022 Mrs. Mushky Kotlarsky discusses the halachos of chafifa & tevilla - preparation and immersion - as part of the 6 week review series. Please note that the source from the Frierdiker Rebbe (Likutei Diburim, pg 1074) regarding the opportune times for a woman to say techinos or personal tefillos to Hashem refers to individual supplication, not specific text.  The concept of saying "Yehi Rotzon" at general opportune times of Tefila is mentioned by the Rebbe in Likutei Sichos, and is an oft-quoted tradition from mother to daughter. For feedback or to sponsor an episode, please reach out at podcast@mikvah.org.
40. How can We Protect our Children? - January 6th, 2022 How to respond to public incident of abuse, and what to for the future - an important conversation with Rabbi M.M. Gluckowsky, leading Chinuch expert and Rav.  This podcast, in cooperation with BR Branches, also discusses the school's "Student Personal Safety Protocol."   For feedback or to sponsor an episode, please reach out at podcast@mikvah.org.
41. Halacha Review: A Hashkafic Q&A with Mrs. Bracha Leeds - January 12th, 2022 As a bonus class for the Winter 5782 Halacha Review, Mrs. Bracha Leeds answers questions that came in during the entire review series, offering a Hashkafic lens for this Mitzvah.  Join the initiative to have 1200 women reviewing by logging your participation at mikvah.org/120   For feedback or to sponsor an episode, please reach out at podcast@mikvah.org.
42. Bosi LeGani: Is My Home a Part of the Garden? - January 12th, 2022 In honor of Yud Shvat, Mrs. Sara Blau presents a look into the Maamer of Bosi Le'Gani as we focus on our roles in our homes.   Am I making my home a part of Hashem's Garden?   With thanks to N'shei Chabad of Morristown for this episode, sponsored in loving memory of Leah bas Reb Mordechai Tzvi Schtroks.  For feedback or to sponsor an episode, please reach out at podcast@mikvah.org.
43. Planning for the Change of Plans: A Halachic and Hashkafic Overview of Chuppas Nida - January 19th, 2022 Rabbi Tuvia Kasimov presents an halachic overview of Chupas Nida.  Kallah Teachers Hindy Greisman and Shaina Rosenfeld give practical tips and hashkafic points to consider when planning (or not planning) for this scenario.  This session is for informational purposes only, and does not replace the need for individual guidance from a Rav when having a Chupas Nidah.  For feedback or to sponsor an episode, please reach out at podcast@mikvah.org.
44. Bringing Divinity into our Marriage: The Jewish & Chassidic Approach to Intimacy with Mrs. S.R. Wagner - January 26th, 2022 Mrs. Sarah Rayzel Wagner, long time educator and certified Mikvah.org Kallah teacher discusses the halachos and the hashkafa when we approach the ultimate purpose of Taharas HaMishpacha; intimacy from an approach of bringing divinity into our marriage, with a special focus for mothers of young children.  For feedback or to sponsor an episode, please reach out at podcast@mikvah.org.
45. Q & A for Hashkafa in Intimacy - February 1st, 2022 Kallah Teachers Mrs. Sara Morozow and Mrs. Bracha Leeds address questions that came in for the monthly Q & A Hashkafa session.  In this session for Rosh Chodesh Adar 1, we address topics related to intimacy from a Hashkafic perspective.  For individual Halachic guidance, please consult with your own Rabbinic authority.  You can enter your questions for the next monthly podcast here.  For feedback or to sponsor an episode, please reach out at podcast@mikvah.org.
47. Fostering Intimate Connections with Life is Under Struggle - February 9th, 2022 Dvora Entin, LCSW PMH-C discusses how to foster intimate connections when life is under struggle.  This class is helpful for all married couples facing struggle in their lives; the focus and examples here present the struggles in building and expanding the family.  For feedback or to sponsor an episode, please reach out at podcast@mikvah.org.
48. Parenting Teens Girls on Relationships with the Opposite Gender - February 16th, 2022 Mrs. Sara Morozow discusses the hashkafa behind the halachos of "Kreiva L'arayos" as a basis for understanding how to approach this topic when parenting our teen girls.  For more information for boys and/or overall conversations with our children, please see episodes 1-4 available earlier in podcast form.  For feedback or to sponsor an episode, please reach out at podcast@mikvah.org.
51. Feminine Power: The Kiyor through the Lens of Torah & Chassidus - February 21st, 2022 In connection to the weekly Torah portion, we bring you a deeper insight into the material used for the construction of the Kiyor.  Mrs. Sara Morozow discusses harnessing feminine energy in the service of Hashem by examining the Kiyor through the lens of Torah and Chassidus. For the handout, click here.  For feedback, or to add further insight on this topic, please email podcast@mikvah.org.
53. Monthly Q & A on Taharas HaMishpacha - March 3rd, 2022 Mrs. Sara Morozow and Mrs. Bracha Leeds are back in honor of Rosh Chodesh Adar 2 for another round of questions in the hashkafa of Taharas HaMishpacha.  Got questions?  Enter them here and we will address them monthly through Rosh Chodesh Tammuz.  For feedback and to sponsor a future episode, please reach out to podcast@mikvah.org 
54. Bridges are not built overnight - March 22nd, 2022 Creating connection is a constant and conscious avodah. It Is the foundation for ever necessary conversation and each moment of guidance A conversation with Rabbi Yaakov Chaiton founder of Chinuch Through Connection
56. Q and A Chodesh Nissan - April 1st, 2022 Mrs. Bracha Leeds is back in honor of Rosh Chodesh Nissan for another round of questions in the hashkafa of Taharas HaMishpacha.  Got questions?Enter them here and we will address them monthly through Rosh Chodesh Tammuz.  For feedback and to sponsor a future episode, please reach out to podcast@mikvah.org
57. The Gift Of Intimacy - April 5th, 2022 Mrs. Sara Dubov, from Wimbledon, England discusses the holiness of intimacy in Jewish and Chassidic thought.  With thanks to Nshei Chabad of Montreal for sharing this class with the Mikvah.org community.
62. Moods and Motherhood By Mrs. Devora Entin LCSW PMH-C - May 26th, 2022 Moods and Motherhood: When the Pregnancy or Postpartum experience isn't as expected.   By Mrs. Devora Entin LCSW PMH-C who specializes in perinatal and reproductive mental health Many resources available on Mikvah.org/referral For feedback or to sponsor an episode, please email podcast@mikvah.org.
63. Q & A Chodesh Sivan - June 2nd, 2022 Q & A Chodesh Sivan By Kallah Teacher Mrs Etika Borenstein Got questions?  Enter them here and we will try to address them next month.   For feedback or to sponsor a future episode, please reach out to podcast@mikvah.org
66. Purity: Mind Body and Soul - June 21st, 2022 An event by Ten Yad and Mikvah.org, presenting Shlucha and Kallah teacher Mrs Batya Rosenblum, and Shlucha Mrs Esther Lifshitz, on the Hashkafa and Inspiration behind Taharas HaMishpacha.  In loving memory and in merit of Sima bas Mordechai, a"h
72. Supporting Motherhood - July 26th, 2022 Supporting Motherhood A very beautiful and meaningful roundtable discussion, by Mrs Sara Morozow veteran Kallah teacher and program director at mikvah.org, Mrs Chanie Wolf, assistant principal at Bais Rivkah Seminary, and Mrs Mushka Leiter, Director of Miriams Motherhood Center of Crown Heights Including some inspiration from our Rebbe
90. Shalom: The Key To All Blessings - November 3rd, 2022 Chaya Shuchat, NP, an author and pediatric nurse practitioner, introduces her new book, An End to Conflict An End to Conflict explores the theme of conflict in the light of Chassidus. This book takes readers on a journey to understand the roots of conflict and divisiveness and the path towards healing and reunification. An End to Conflict serves as a clear, easy to read introduction to fundamental concepts in Chassidus and their application to daily life. The book is rich in insights for achieving greater unity and harmony within ourselves, our families, and our communities. Reading this book will give you the tools you need  to resolve longstanding internal and external conflicts and achieve an ultimate state of peace. For more information and to read sample chapters, visit endtoconflict.org.
116. Hakhel: Meet Our Kallah Teachers Chodesh Adar - February 21st, 2023 Chodesh Adar, monthly Hakhel gathering with our Kallah Teachers. Featuring: Mrs Odel Zirkind, Mrs Nechama Eilfort, and Mrs Sarah Korn. This Episode was graciously sponsored L'zchus Esther Basha Blima Bas Pesha Rochel on behalf of all the work she does as a Mikvah lady for the Boynton Beach community. May Hakadosh Baruch Hu grant her Arichas Yamim Tovim Ad Meah V'esrim.  From her husband, children and family.
117. We Can All Relate Part Two by Rabbi Michoel Gourarie - February 22nd, 2023 Prepare for, enhance and sustain healthy relationships through the lens of Chassidic thought This episode was graciously sponsored: לע"נ התמים לוי בן ר' יהודה ור' שניאור זלמן בן ר' שמואל חיים להבדיל בין חיים לחיים לזכות רפואה שלימה אליהו בן ליבא וחנה לאה בת אסתר
119. Is it Anxiety or Hiddur Mitzvah? - March 15th, 2023 Is it Anxiety or Hiddur Mitzvah? A closer look at OCD and Religious Scrupulosity with Dr. Miriam Gross, PsyD, LMFT. Partially sponsored by an anonymous listener, in support of all those struggling in this area.  To sponsor an upcoming episode, please reach out to podcast@mikvah.org
120. Hakhel: Meet Our Kallah Teachers Chodesh Nissan - March 23rd, 2023 Chodesh Nissan, monthly Hakhel gathering with our Kallah Teachers.  Featuring: Mrs. Dalia Sanoff, Mrs. Hadassa Spalter and Mrs. Aidy Rubin. This episode has been sponsored by an anonymous listener, in merit of a full recovery for Chava Guta bas Henya Chasya.  To sponsor a future episode, please reach out to podcast@mikvah.org
124. The 10 Commandments of Marriage - June 14th, 2023 Rabbi Yisrael Shurack, MSW, BSW, BA has over 20 years of experience working in social services with children and teens from around the globe. He currently has a private practice and is the creator of the ‘From My Notebook’ weekly podcast.
141. Mothers of Children in Shidduchim Series, Episode One: A Mother's Role in her Daughter's Shidduch Journey - August 10th, 2023 To start off our Mothers of Children in Shidduchim Podcast Series, Mrs. Sara Morozow interviews Mrs. C. Rochel Duchman, renowned dating coach and founder of Autumn Coaching. Mrs. Duchman can be reached via whatsapp at: (323) 620-3618. Click here to visit her website. Mrs. Yocheved Baitelman is another great resource for those navigating shidduchim and can be reached via whatsapp at: (917) 482-3780 Click here⁠ to view the text of Eternal Joy - Volume One. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Click here⁠⁠⁠ to view the text of Eternal Joy - Volume Two.⁠⁠⁠ Click here⁠⁠ to view the text of Eternal Joy - Volume Three. Click here to purchase the Eternal Joy Three Volume Set. Click here to access Episode 23 titled Shidduchim and Dating: How can I set my Child up for Success? Part One Click here for Episode 24; Part Two.
145. Mothers of Children in Shidduchim Series, Episode Four: A Conversation with Mrs. Sara Morozow, Mrs. Rivky Boyarsky and Mrs. Rivky Brikman - August 31st, 2023 In this episode of the Mothers of Children in Shidduchim Podcast Series, we feature a conversation between Mrs. Sara Morozow, Mrs. Rivky Boyarsky, and Mrs. Rivky Brikman. They delve into topics such as the Kallah's physical health, the role of Kallah Teachers, and the mother-daughter relationship within this process. Click here to access Tahareinu's website and contact information. Click here⁠ to access mikvah.org's podcast episode #43 titled Planning for the Change of Plans: A Halachic and Hashkafic overview of Chupas Niddah. Mrs. Esty Slavin can be reached at: (718) 635-1854 Mrs. Chaya Klein can be reached at: (917) 846-7923
147. Mothers of Children in Shidduchim Series, Episode Six: A Party Planner's Tips and Tricks for an Out of Town Wedding - September 7th, 2023 In our last episode of the Mothers of Children in Shidduchim Podcast Series, we are joined by Mrs. Ahuva Fogelman, an experienced wedding coordinator who shares valuable tips for a successful out-of-town wedding. Click here to listen to the mikvah.org podcast episode #8 titled Wedding Customs According to Chassidic Thought Click here to listen to the mikvah.org podcast episode #9 titled Preparing Your Child for a Chassidishe Wedding.
149. Vov Tishrei: Supporting our Husbands in Learning - September 20th, 2023 In commemoration of the Yahrtzeit of Rebbetzin Chana - הרבנית הצדקנית חנה בת מאיר שלמה ע"ה - we hear from HaRav Gluckowsky along with Mrs. Faigy Yusewitz, Mrs. Batsheva Braud, and Mrs. Brochie Friedman as they share inspiration on the topic of nurturing our husbands in their Torah learning. Click here to view the source sheets from Mrs. Faigy Yusewitz. Click here to access the Yagdil Torah website. ⁠Click here⁠ for information on resources available through Yagdil Torah or email: yagdilt@gmail.com or call: 347-223-5943
150. Health and Wellness Series, Part One: Concerns in Early Pregnancy - October 23rd, 2023 This is the first episode of our three part Health and Wellness Series. The series features Dr. Scott Chudnoff, Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Maimonides Medical Center. Beginning with an introduction by Rabbi Kasimov, the Rov of the Beis Hora’ah in Crown Heights, this week's class delves into early pregnancy concerns. Click here for the halachic guide for pregnancy loss. Click here to see what withloveny has to offer. Click here for one of our podcast episodes with Mrs. Devorah Entin about support in pregnancy loss. Click here for one of our podcast episodes with Mrs. Chumi Friedman who answers common questions regarding pregnancy loss.
160. Building a Family, Session Two: Pru UrVu Overview with Mrs. S. Morozow, Part 1 - February 8th, 2024 To continue our podcast series on the topic of Building a Family, we hear from Mrs. S. Morozow as she teaches us Part One of the the Mitzvah of Pru Urvu based on the Rebbe's sichos. This is a candid conversation on balancing the blessing of family in today's hectic world. Click here for the source booklet Click here for the Derher Click here for the Rebbe's sichos on this topic Click here⁠ for a written supplement on the topic of Building a Family. ⁠Click here⁠ for the student manual. These pamphlets are curtesy of the Shluchim Office.
161. Building a Family, Session Two: Pru UrVu Overview with Mrs. S. Morozow, Part 2 - February 8th, 2024 To continue our podcast series on the topic of Building a Family, we hear from Mrs. S. Morozow as she teaches us Part Two of the Mitzvah of Pru Urvu based on the Rebbe's sichos. This is a candid conversation on balancing the blessing of family in today's hectic world. Click here to find the Rebbe's sichos on this topic. Click here for a written supplement (teacher's manual) on the topic of Building a Family. Click here for the student manual. These pamphlets are curtesy of the Shluchim Office.
166. Building a Family Podcast Series, Session Four, Part Three: A Doctor's Perspective on the Use of Contraception with Dr. Scott Chudnoff - February 8th, 2024 To continue our podcast series on the topic of Building a Family, we hear from Dr. Scott Chudnoff, as he gives us the medical perspective on using birth control. Early Pregnancy Assessment center and Complex Contraceptive Center - (718)-283-8959 Women's Health Institute (access to Dr. Chudnoff & other experts in the Women's Health Field - (718)-283-9044
168. Building A Family Series: FAM Method with Mrs. Pessy Schwartz, FAE and Mrs. Rivky Boyarsky, CNM - April 8th, 2024 Welcome to the bonus episode as part of the Building a Family podcast series. In this episode we learn about the Fertility Awareness Method from Mrs. Pessy Schwartz, FAE and Mrs. Rivky Boyarsky, CNM. The episode concludes with the halachic implications of using FAM as a form of contraception with Rabbi T. Kasimov. Click http://www.reclaimwomanhood.com to sign up for Mrs. Pessy Schwartz's course in May. Use code MIKVAH for $50 off the course. Please note as a general policy we don't recommend not-Jewish books on our podcast. However, here are Rivky Boyarsky CNM's recommendations for 3 books to learn about FAM from the scientific perspective: The Fifth Vital Sign: Master Your Cycles & Optimize Your Fertility Taking Charge of Your Fertility, 20th Anniversary Edition: The Definitive Guide to Natural Birth Control, Pregnancy Achievement, and Reproductive Health The Garden of Fertility: A Guide to Charting Your Fertility Signals to Prevent or Achieve Pregnancy--Naturally--and to Gauge Your Reproductive Health
177. The Chassidic Approach to Intimacy with Mrs. Sara Morozow - May 8th, 2024 Welcome to this podcast episode on the topic of Intimacy, with Mrs. Sara Morozow. This class is intended for informational purposes only. Click here for the source's Mrs. Morozow used in this episode. Click here for the PDF of Chapter 11 of Rabbi Fishel Jacob's book, titled 'Family Purity'. Please note: This chapter is being shared with permission from Rabbi Jacobs. Click here for the podcast titled 'Bringing Divinity into our Marriage: The Jewish & Chassidic Approach to Intimacy with Mrs. S.R. Wagner'. Click here for the podcast titled 'Halacha Review: Mikvah Night & Intimacy with Mrs. Rivky Boyarsky'. Click here for the podcast titled 'Halacha Review: Intimacy with Mrs. Ruthie Sperlin'
178. Wellness Series, Ep One: The Challenges Surrounding Childbirth and Loss with Rabbi Levi Jacobson and Yaakov Rabinowitz, LCSW - May 13th, 2024 This is the first episode in our Wellness Series, and it is specifically geared towards men. It delves into the various stages of marriages, particularly focusing on the challenges surrounding childbirth and loss. We hear from Rabbi Levi Jacobson, a shliach and Rov in Toronto, and Yaakov Rabinowitz, an LCSW with advanced training in Perinatal Mood disorders and experience in supporting men dealing with infertility.  If you have any questions after listening to this episode, click here to let us know. Click here for Episode #4 titled ' Guidance and Support for Pregnancy Loss' with Mrs. Chumi Friedman from ATIME. Click here for Episode #61 titled 'Supporting Pregnancy Loss' with Mrs. Devorah Entin, LCSW PMH-C Click Mikvah.org/loss for a halachic guide to pregnancy loss
179. Wellness Series, Ep 2: A Mother's Guide to Navigating Conversations on Puberty with her Preadolescent daughters - May 21st, 2024 This is the second episode in our Wellness Series! In this episode we hear a beautiful Hashkafic introduction from Mrs. Esther Piekarski, long time educator and Shlucha to Tel Aviv, Eretz Yisrael. We then hear a role play conversation featuring Mrs. Rivky Boyarsky, CNM on how to approach conversations on puberty with preadolescent children. Click here for our podcast titled 'Conversations with our Daughter on Self Care, Empowerment and Hygiene Click here for our podcast titled, 'Teen Reproductive Health' Click here for the first episode in our 4-part podcast series titled 'Conversations with our Children'. For the next three episodes in the above series: Click here for part two, Part Three and Part Four. Click here for our podcast titled 'Safety Kid Parent Workshop' Click here for our podcast titled 'The ABCD's of Child Safety'
180. Tznius Series, Ep 1: Introduction - May 28th, 2024 Welcome to our new podcast series on the topic of Tznius! This episode is an introduction to this topic and features a candid discussion between Mrs. Chaya Deitsch, long time educator, Mrs. Sara Morozow and Mrs. Chassi Rivkin.   1. Click here for text of Sichos on Tznius 2. Click here for a podcast episode about Tznius with Mrs. Bracha Leeds 3. Click here for a book review on the book titled 'More than Meets the Eye' with Mrs. Malka Touger 4. Click here to purchase the book titled 'More than Meets the Eye' 5. Click here to view the 'Our Vogue' magazine
184. Summer Learning Series Class One: Introduction to Kiddushin - July 2nd, 2024 Welcome to our Summer Learning Series! This series is on the topic of Chassidic Insights Into the Wedding Ceremony. We are beginning this series with a 4-part session featuring Mrs. Ita Broh, long time educator and Mikvah.org certified Kallah Teacher. Our first episode is an introduction to Kiddushin and goes through the 3 methods and outlines which one is the most preferred. Click here for the sources
188. Summer Learning Series Class Five: Fasting & Renewal on the Wedding Day, Part One with Mrs. Tzipah Wertheimer - July 30th, 2024 Welcome to our Summer Learning Series! This series is on the topic of Chassidic insights into the wedding ceremony. This episode kicks off with Part 1 of a 2-part session featuring Mrs. Tzipah Wertheimer, shlucha to Queens College, writer, educator and Mikvah.org certified Kallah Teacher. In this episode we begin learning about fasting and renewal on the wedding day and how we can learn this from Eisav. Click here to view the source sheet Click here to view the text of the Sicha
191. Chof Av: Honoring Reb Leivik with Rabbi D. Dubov - August 20th, 2024 Welcome to this episode in honor of the 80th Yahrzeit of Rabbi Levi Yitzchok זצ"ל, the Rebbe's father. In this episode we hear a class featuring Rabbi D. Dubov, director of Chabad at Princton and Greater Mercer County, New Jersey. He is also the author of Yalkut Levi Yitzchak al HaTorah, a series that organizes and clarifies Rabbi Levi Yitzchak’s teachings (7 vol.).
192. Summer Learning Series Class Eight: Appreciating and Understanding the 7 Brachos with Mrs. Chana Slavaticki - August 27th, 2024 Welcome to our Summer Learning Series! This series delves into Chassidic insights on the wedding ceremony. This episode delves into appreciating and understanding the 7 Brachos with Mrs. Chana Slavaticki ⁠Click here⁠ for the sources ⁠Click here⁠ for the book titled The Jewish Home Vol. 1 and ⁠here⁠ for Vol. 2 ⁠Click here⁠ for the book titled Holy Intimacy
193. Preparation For Vov Tishrei - September 24th, 2024 As we approach the 60th yahrzeit of Rebbetzin Chana, from 6 Tishrei 5725 to this year, 5785, we are preparing for this significant day by delving into letters the Rebbe wrote before Rosh Hashana, focusing on Rebbetzin Chana and the three mitzvos of a Jewish woman. Notably, we’ll explore a letter from 5745, written 20 years after her passing, and another from 5751, when the calendar alignment matches this year's—three consecutive days, emphasizing the power of the number three. For more insights and classes on the three mitzvos of a woman, visit mikvah.org/audio. To learn the halachos of these mitzvos, visit mikvah.org/powerhour. For Mrs. Chaya Leah Sandhaus's Sources Click Here
198. Fall Taharas Hamishpacha Review Series: Hefsek Taharah & 7 Nekiem - December 2nd, 2024 Welcome to our fifth episode in our Fall Taharas Hamishpacha Review Series! This episode features Mrs. Sarah Rayzel Wagner who teaches us about the Hefsek Taharah & 7 Nekiem This episode is sponsored לעילוי נשמת לאה יהודית בת ר' חיים אשר who dedicated herself to teaching and increasing awareness of Taharas Hamishpacha. by her loving grandchildren in honor of her Yahrtzeit on Rosh Chodesh Kislev. This episode originally aired as part of the Project Chana Power Hour. For the full Power Hour Classes, ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠click here.⁠
202. Body Image Series - Part Two: Our Relationship With Food - December 31st, 2024 Part 2 of Our 5-Part Body Image Series Join us for the second episode of our Body Image Series! In this episode, we’re honored to host Dr. Marcy Forta, Ed.D., MBA, founder and director of Atzmi. This nonprofit organization is dedicated to supporting the mental health of frum adolescent girls by blending Torah values with impactful programs that foster self-worth, self-compassion, and positive body image. In this session, we’ll delve into the crucial topic of our relationship with food. Dr. Forta is also the author of "How Can I Help My Daughter? A Mother’s Guide to Nurturing Her Daughter’s Best Self." To purchase the book through Atzmi, click here and use code MIKVAH5785 to receive 15% off. To purchase through Mikvah.org, click here.
203. Body Image Series - Part Three: Body Image - January 6th, 2025 Part 3 of Our 5-Part Body Image Series Join us for the third episode of our Body Image Series! In this episode, we’re honored to host Dr. Marcy Forta, Ed.D., MBA, founder and director of Atzmi. This nonprofit organization is dedicated to supporting the mental health of frum adolescent girls by blending Torah values with impactful programs that foster self-worth, self-compassion, and positive body image. In this session, we’ll discuss Body Image. Dr. Forta is also the author of "How Can I Help My Daughter? A Mother’s Guide to Nurturing Her Daughter’s Best Self." To purchase the book through Atzmi, ⁠click here⁠ and use code MIKVAH5785 to receive 15% off. To purchase through Mikvah.org, ⁠click here.⁠
204. Body Image Series - Part Four: Addressing Eating Disorders - January 13th, 2025 Part 4 of Our 5-Part Addressing Eating Disorders Join us for the fourth episode of our Body Image Series! In this episode, we’re honored to host Dr. Marcy Forta, Ed.D., MBA, founder and director of Atzmi. This nonprofit organization is dedicated to supporting the mental health of frum adolescent girls by blending Torah values with impactful programs that foster self-worth, self-compassion, and positive body image. In this session, we’ll discuss Eating Disorders. Dr. Forta is also the author of "How Can I Help My Daughter? A Mother’s Guide to Nurturing Her Daughter’s Best Self." To purchase the book through Atzmi, ⁠⁠click here⁠⁠ and use code MIKVAH5785 to receive 15% off. To purchase through Mikvah.org, ⁠⁠click here.⁠
208. Stories & Lessons from Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka- 22 Shvat - February 10th, 2025 Stories & Lessons from Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka In honor of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka’s Yahrtzeit on 22 Shvat, we invite you to listen to a meaningful new podcast featuring Mrs. Esther Piekarski sharing heartfelt reflections and Mrs. Ruthie Sperlin offering an inspiring call to action. Tune in today to gain insight, inspiration, and a deeper connection to the timeless lessons of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka.
211. Beyond Closed Doors- Part Two: Physical Solutions for Painful Intimacy - March 3rd, 2025 Beyond Closed Doors- Part Two: Physical Solutions for Painful IntimacyAfter exploring initial treatment options like physical therapy, what comes next? In this second installment of a three-part series, Dr. Andrew T. Goldstein, MD, FACOG, IF, delves into the physical causes of painful intimacy and the medical solutions available. He discusses what steps to take when conservative treatments aren’t enough and explores what can be done to restore comfort and connection.Tune in to gain expert insights and guidance. Listen now at Mikvah.org/audio or explore more resources at Mikvah.org/media.To purchase Dr. Andrew Goldsteins book Click here
212. Beyond Closed Doors- Part Three: Sensory Challenges in Intimacy - March 10th, 2025 Beyond Closed Doors – Part Three: Sensory Challenges in Intimacy with Dr. Amster OTIn the final installment of this three-part series, Dr. AmsterOT explores the impact of sensory processing challenges on intimacy. Many individuals experience heightened sensitivity or discomfort with touch, sound, or other sensory inputs, which can create barriers to connection. Dr. AmsterOT discusses practical strategies and therapeutic approaches to help navigate these challenges, fostering greater comfort and closeness in relationships.Tune in to gain expert insights and actionable guidance. Listen now at ⁠Mikvah.org/audio⁠ or explore more resources at ⁠Mikvah.org/media⁠.
213. Sholom Bayis Series- Mrs. Lisa Twerski, LCSW - March 17th, 2025 The Sholom Bayis Series is a sampling of approaches from Torah educators, authors, and therapists offering ideas, tips, and resources for building and maintaining healthy relationships.Join Mrs. Lisa Twerski, LCSW in a discussion of her new book, "Me & You: What I Wish I Knew" and its practical applications for couples.

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