Musings of A Mikvah Attendant
A volunteer mikvah attendant shares her thoughts and feelings of awe and fulfillment in this holy role
Read MoreA volunteer mikvah attendant shares her thoughts and feelings of awe and fulfillment in this holy role
Read MoreOn erev Pesach 2016, a year and a half after we had purchased our building in Vacaville California, I was preparing for our community seder. The tables were beautifully set, but the condition of the room was really upsetting to me. We had purchased our building over a year prior and plans constantly were stalled for one reason or another. Things were just not moving forward, and the building- although large and spacious-served as a warehouse previously and it was in dire need of renovation.
Read MoreSivan was in her ninth month of pregnancy. She wanted to perform a custom to immerse in a mikvah during the ninth month in preparation for her upcoming birth. She had also heard of a segulah (a good omen) for someone trying to conceive, to immerse in the mikvah after this, as a special merit for them.
Read MoreThis article provides an overview of the various resources available on Mikvah.org. From practical guidance to educational materials, Mikvah.org offers a range of resources to explore.
Read MoreWhat is as holy as Yom Kippur, as powerful as prayer and the secret of a spiritually dynamic marriage? You may not believe it, but the answer is The Mikvah. The traditional Jewish observance guiding the intimate relationship between husband and wife.
Read MoreSometimes, we are lucky enough to see revealed blessings right before our eyes!
Read MoreImmersing in the mikvah on schedule can sometimes be challenging in our hectic lives.
Read MoreAs told by her husband Moshe Klein. We never know the ripple effects of our actions...
Read MoreThe gift of a mother to her precious child
Read MoreI went to the Mikvah for the first time 18 months ago as a bride...
Read MoreDoes one ever 'lose' a mother? Does she remain with you forever?
Read MoreDoes security and comfort bring us success? Does challenge and adversity make us stronger, better than before?
Read MoreThe Three Mitzvot of the Woman are special, holy and spiritual, transcending everyday life
Read MoreI was angry at God at that point in my life. Not only did it seem to me that He had held back the treasures of Judaism till I was forty, it seemed that I also would never get a chance to experience, together with my husband, the beautiful and intimate ritual of mikvah.
Read MoreThe mikvah is a beautiful place, filled with spirituality. It represents the chain of generations of Jewish women of which we become another link.
Read MoreThere are so many reasons to love the mikvah (Jewish ritual bath).
Read MoreFreedom itself is only half the story. What we do with our freedom that is the question. We need a purpose in life, and we need a moral, spiritual infrastructure to help guide us
Read MoreSometimes we may feel angry with G-d; it seems as if He has joined forces with Satan. Why does He allow all these terrible misfortunes to befall us?
Read MoreA friend of mine called me a little while back. She was married just over a year and mentioned that she had not yet been blessed with a pregnancy.
Read MoreIt has been a few hours since the Seudos Hadoah for my husband, Larry, who now wants to be called only by his Jewish name, Aryeh. Almost everyone whom we invited RSVP'd that they were coming...
Read MoreAbout six months ago, a young,Observant, non-Lubavitcher woman in my community - who normally does not come to our Chabad house, came to daaven in our Chabad house on a Shabbos morning since her husband missed his regular minyan that had begun at eight o'clock .
Read MoreThe sun-warmed breeze gently blows all gray clouds away, To reveal a clear and bright blue sky that now is here to stay.
Read More"When Moshiach comes, what will be?" My small son asks, looking up at me. "Will there be candies on trees so tall, Lollipops, toffees, chocolates and all?"
Read MoreThe sun rises high each morning, bringing a day so bright and new, Each a special beginning, filled with the promise of all we can do.
Read MoreHashem created this world for His children, for you and for me, See the splendor in His creation, from sea to shimmering sea.
Read MoreWater - obeying Hashem's command, moving to its' proper place Oceans, rivers, lakes and streams created for love of the human race.
Read MoreEach day holds a miracle, possibly two or even three, They touch us in many ways we may not always see.
Read MoreMama, she tests the word gingerly on her lips, Touches her tummy tenderly, with her fingertips. As she feels that first flutter just beneath her heart,
Read MoreA family is a magnificent garden It must be cultivated with great care, It is the most valuable, holy place A couple may be blessed to share.
Read MoreDear Diary, Wonderful news! Do you remember a couple of weeks ago my friend threw a "Good-Bye Party"?
Read MoreThe chair rocked gently to and fro The rhythm hypnotic and calm, She gazed at the children playing below 'Neath the swaying fronds of palm.
Read MoreI gazed upon my mother, as she lay so frail and ill, Her hands rested so quietly - they had never been so still.
Read MoreShe glances round the house, at walls now stripped bare She saw outlines of pictures, now no longer there. She thinks of this house and all it has seen
Read MoreI was sitting on my front porch. Enjoying the California March sun. I had been under the weather and thought It would be good for me to bask in some warmth.
Read MoreLast week in Shul (Synagogue), I listened to the Torah Reading. At its' conclusion, before the Torah Scroll was rolled...
Read MoreA gentle, new soul flitted to earth one day. She traveled all around then began to pray, Hashem please help me, what shall be? There is so much evil - it is all I can see.
Read MoreThis happened once upon a time in a tiny, little pen, Where a busy farmer raised a noisy group of red-brown hens.
Read MoreMy daughter took a paperweight off my husband's desk, It was shaped like a globe, with oceans, countries, and the rest.
Read More"Where is Hashem?", my little boy asks, looking right up at me. "He is here in your heart, here in my heart and in everything you see..."
Read MoreThe sky above is heavy and gray; it echoes the pain in my heart. A beautiful life has ended this day, will the sorrow ever depart?
Read MoreA meeting was held far from earth With the angels and G-d above. They said it is time again for another birth This child will need much love.
Read MoreWater. So simple. Un-spectacular and unpretentious.
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