The chair rocked gently to and fro
The rhythm hypnotic and calm,
She gazed at the children playing below
Neath the swaying fronds of palm.
Long lashes fringed their big round eyes
Their soft cheeks flushed rosy red,
The wind sang with their happy cries
Some chased and the others fled.
The children gleefully frolicked about
In their carefree children's way,
Their mother's watchful eye left no doubt
All was secure and safe and okay.
Their sturdy little legs ran sure and swift
Their laughter rang through the air,
The sound gave her spirit a joyous lift
And she rocked in the old rocking chair.
Run and laugh, my darlings, prayed she
Enjoy happiness each day of your life,
May the sun always shine brightly on thee
May you never know illness or strife.
Delight in time spent with those you love
Cherish all that's authentic and true,
Each moment a genuine gift from Above
It's their love that will see you through.
May the simple joy and laughter you feel
Keep your hearts warm forever more,
Keep your life on a steady and even keel
No matter what the future may hold in store.
Let the wisdom of Torah guide your way,
As you navigate life's winding road,
Know Hashem walks beside you every day
He will help you shoulder your load.
She eased herself up from the old rocking chair
Hand on the babe growing 'neath her heart,
Her thoughts on the children playing out there
And the one whose life had yet to start.
Watch over them, Aibishter, as only You can
Be my eyes when I am not there to see
We are mere mortals, children of man
You are here now and always will be.