The Talmud compares the miracle of finding a soulmate to the miracle of G-d splitting the Red Sea.
Read MoreA Guide To Shidduchim & Marriage Based On The Teachings Of The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson Shidduchim
Read MoreA Guide To Shidduchim & Marriage Based On The Teachings Of The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson Shidduchim
Read MoreSome key ideas to help anyone looking to get married
Read MoreIs it normal to have doubts during an engagement?
Read MoreWhat is of most important to us? What do we truly value? When it comes to our money, everything must be under lock and key, safe and sound, with ironclad securities. Are we as careful with our children?
Read MoreAre blind dates just a waste of time? Dating is emotionally exhausting. Is there any message of hope for the dated out?
Read MoreMy Jewishness is making it harder for me to find love. The more I get involved in Jewish life, the less options I have for girls to date. To be honest, it is making me hesitate before becoming more observant.
Read MoreHow do you find the 'right' one? Do I have only one soulmate?
Read MoreWhy is dating so hard these days? Never in history have people struggled with relationships so much. So many of my friends are still single and looking.
Read MoreI think we can all agree that in our world today, in the free world certainly, there is an intimacy crisis. We have a problem with intimacy. We are afraid of intimacy, yet we agonize over the lack of it.
Read MoreA wise man once said that the most difficult question to answer is a question that has a simple answer.
Read MoreAvrohom decided to send his trustworthy disciple and right-hand man, Eliezer, to find a suitable wife for Yitzchok. The modern mind finds it difficult to understand why Yitzchok agreed to allow Eliezer to choose a wife for him. Is this a matter in which one can rely on others?
Read MoreWhen I was a kallah (bride), a friend of my husband-to-be asked me to introduce him to one of my friends in Boston, where we all were at that time.
Read MoreAn often asked question, it is one laden with assumptions, misconceptions and truly good intentions.
Read MoreMy best friend just got engaged after only a month and a half of dating. She met the guy through the Jewish dating system, a Shidduch, and they are an amazingly well-suited couple.
Read MoreI liked your take on traditional Jewish dating, and can see some of its advantages over modern dating. But one thing doesn't make sense. In traditional circles, you only live together after marriage.
Read MoreI've found myself going out on many many dates and I'm wondering if I'm being too fussy. I'm waiting to meet someone and get a good feeling about him, and of course have things in common, good chats, and similar long term goals.
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