Taharas Hamishpacha Simplified:

Dear Ladies,

This Chazara was created for you, Chabad Anash, to review and enrich your knowledge of the Halachos of Taharas Hamishpacha (according to Chabad).

This is best done in a group setting with a guide to lead and discuss and answer questions, and can be reviewed privately afterwards.

My goal was to outline the Halachos in a clear, simple, easy, and pleasant manner, according to the Hashkafos taught to us by the Rebbe.

The Rebbe teaches us  that by enhancing our performance of this Mitzva, it will bring us much Bracha and Mazal. 

In the Zechus of you studying this Chazara, may you experience an abundance of blessings in your family life!

With thanks to Hashem for Siyata Dishmaya to complete this project, it is my hope this will be useful to you to perform the Mitzva of Taharas Hamishpacha in the most beautiful way possible.



  • I am touched and so grateful, to the many people who shared my passion and vision and dedicated their time and wisdom to make this project happen. 
  • Thank you to my dear cousins, Mrs. Sara Morozow, and Mrs. Nechama Dina Lipskier, outstanding Kallah teachers, who gave me your professional and wise counsel as I put this together. Thank you for answering my questions, and your valuable comments. Thank you to my dear sister in law, Mrs. Chanie Gurary, for all your assistance with editing.
  • Thank you to my niece Mushky Schwei for volunteering your talent and time to design each slide with such love and care.
  • Thank you to Rabbi Yosef Shusterman for giving me your time and feedback, and for your trademark clarity in answering my questions.
  • In the Zechus of your involvement in this special Mitzva, may Hashem shower you with abundant blessings in your family life!


  • Thank you to the Taharas Hamishpacha Organization/Mikvah.org for adopting this project as their own.
  • Thank you to Rav Sholom Ber Chaikin for your time, and crucial feedback.  
  • Mrs. Chassi Rivkin, thank you for sharing my vision, and for enabling me to share this slideshow in a professional and efficient manner.
  • Thank you to Mrs. Chaya M. Klein, Mikvah.org, for proofreading and editing.
  • The dedication that the Taharas Hamishpacha Organization/Mikvah.org has for this Mitzva is incredible and inspiring!

    With much appreciation,
    Rivky Bukiet


Please note that this presentation is intended as a review for those who have already learned these Halachos in depth. 

For in-depth study with a qualified
Taharas Hamishpacha Instructor, 

Click here:


Taharas Hamishpacha Perspective

The greatest gift for our marriage


  • The observance of Taharas Hamisphacha is how we welcome the Shechina into our marriage and our home. 
  • Our mission is to create a “Dira Batachtonim” in this world, making our homes into a mini Beis Hamikdash.
  • Taharas Hamishpacha is the “manual”  which Hashem gave us for marriage and the Rov is our 1-800 number.
  • The Rebbe teaches us that the “remedy” of Taharas Hamishpacha is good for family life. It draws down blessings for family harmony, healthy marriages, having children and healthy children.
  • The Rebbe often advised couples, having difficulties, to review these halachos and observe them b’hidur (with extra care and attention) to draw down blessings for their families and their lives.


Taharas Hamishpacha is a belief system

  • This Mitzva depends on a belief system which
    relies on a woman’s Yiras Shamayim and a
    woman’s word of honor.
  • Hashem entrusted women with the zechus and responsibility for this mitzvah that affects the family and Klal Yisroel for generations to come. That is why this Mitzva is called “Taharas Hamishpacha” and not simply “Taharas Ha’Isha”.
  •  "טהרת המשפחה . . זכות הכי גדול" 
    Taharas hamishpachah . . . the greatest privilege”
    (Sichos Kodesh 5739 1 p. 366).

Details Count!

  • If you send your friend an email, but you forget a dot, the message won’t “go through”!
  • We need to do our utmost to perform
    this Mitzva, with all its important details. 
  • EVERY detail is important! 
  • When we do a Mitzva to the best of our
    ability, we receive heavenly assistance
    to be successful giving us the confidence
    to do this Mitzvah with joy, minimizing anxiety
    and stress. 

Advantages of Taharas Hamishpacha

  • This Mitzva is a Chok, which is not something we can understand. Tuma and Tahara are about Spiritual status, and definitely not related to cleanliness.
  • Nevertheless, this Mitzva is beneficial to us in many ways.
    There is a built- in cycle of closeness and separation.
    It is in harmony with our physical, emotional,
    psychological and spiritual selves.
  • “The Torah separates the husband and wife
    during the time of her impurity in order to
    make her as desirable to him as the day of
    their wedding” (Niddah 31:b)
  • It can also promote fertility and wellness.

Taharas Hamishpacha is a top priority

  • This Mitzva is a Mitzva that has the same gravity as a Bris and Yom Kippur. The Torah warns of “Kares” for not performing this Mitzva.
  • In fact, if a community cannot afford a shul and a Mikva, the halacha is that the Mikva takes precedence! 

Importance of Review

  • Being that there are so many details and there are phases of our lives when some of these Halachos are not practiced, it is crucial to refresh our memories with review. The Rebbe promoted annual Chazara sessions.
  • Also, most kallahs learn this information during a very hectic and rushed time. They are also learning it in a theoretical way, before it is put into practice. Therefore, it is important to relearn the material after marriage.
  • It is important for a couple to review the Halachos
    together to make sure they are on the “same page”.

Dvar Malchus

...”Certainly it goes without saying, that this is a matter of great value. In addition to the fact that is one of the most important mitzvoth of our Holy Torah, Family Purity and all matters related to it are one of the supporting pillars of the Jewish people, in who’s merit, and through them we have the strength to tolerate the difficult burden of the Golus, and to remain healthy in our body and soul. 

Moreover, the fulfillment of this Mitzvah is not a matter for those who fulfill the mitzvah-the husband and wife-alone, but it concerns the children born and their children until the end of time. When parents observe the rules of family purity, their sons and daughters are Kosher children. If parents are not careful about this, it is a defect in the soul and body of the children, their children's children, etc. 

Moreover, this is not a private matter of the parents and their children, but rather a general matter of the Jewish people. And as explained in several places in the words of our Sages z”l, keeping laws of purity cause the Divine Presence to dwell in Israel. 

For all these reasons, the promptness of building a beautiful Mikvah in an effort to fulfill this mitzvah is absolutely necessary. And every effort is worthwhile to bring the matter to a good conclusion and complete it as soon as possible. 

G-d’s manner is to reward measure for measure, but with an additional reward in greater measures. 

May Hashem bless all those who engage and participate in this great Mitzvah. The Almighty will affect them with goodness, each according to their own needs, and especially with the abundance of nachas, and form their children in all the particulars. 

From the letter of the Rebbbe MHM, Igrot Kodesh, Vol 6

Letter from the Rebbe

Observance of Taharas Hamishpachah affects one’s children

Observance of Taharas Hamishpachah, [by adhering to] the mitzvos of Niddah, taharah and immersion, that were given to the Jewish woman, results in purity and holiness of family life. Through the observance of this mitzvah we merit that our children are healthy and good, whole in body and soul-children who bring true nachas and joy to their parents...so that the entire family is pure and holy. 

These two matters, the training and education subsequent to the child’s birth and the general conduct prior to the birth, were given over the Jewish women. 

The Rebbe, my father-in-law, writes in one of his letters: “All that is holy in the nation of G-d of Avraham and fundamental for the House of Israel, in raising and educating an upright generation regarding the kashrus of food...was entrusted and endowed by the revered and awesome G-d to Jewish women to guard and to cultivate.”

Simply this means: We rely totally on the trustworthiness of the woman with regard to everything that is connected to the kashrus of the food and surely with regard to Taharas Hamishpacha...and particularly so, with regard to the education and training that the child receives, so that it be in a manner that the oath “be a tsaddik and do not be a rasha” is fulfilled.