Mikvah.org Links and Resources
This article provides a comprehensive list of the resources available on Mikvah.org, along with quick links to access them. To view this article in PDF format, click here.
1. Mikvah.org/audio
2. Mikvah.org/breastfeeding
Here you will find all the halachos about breastfeeding, including breastfeeding on Shabbos, Yom Tov and fast days.
3. Mymikvahcalendar.org
Learn all about the My Mikvah Calendar App here. You will find instructions on how to use the different features of the app, FAQs, contact information for any questions you may have and a direct link to download the app on your personal device.
4. Checklists for Mikvah preparation:
A. Mikvah.org/checklist
An interactive checklist to prepare for Mikvah immersion
B. Mikvah.org/mikvahchecklist
A flipbook for the new mikvah user, complete with a basic checklist and the blessings. This flipbook is available to purchase as a hard copy at mikvah.org/purifyingwaters
C. Mikvah.org/forustoochecklist
A flipbook for the one time Mikvah user post menopause, complete with a basic checklist and the blessings. This flipbook is available to purchase as a hard copy at mikvah.org/forustoo
5. Mikvah.org/childbirth
Find a comprehensive booklet written out on the halachos of childbirth on Shabbos and Yom Tov. Click the link provided on the website for the full PDF download.
6. Mikvah.org/directory
The Worldwide Mikvah Directory offers access to Mikvaos around the globe. It provides the addresses, names, and contact information for each Mikvah.
7. Mikvah.org/gallery
This page showcases photos of some beautifully renovated Mikvaos in various locations.
8. Mikvah.org/helpline
Our newest addition to our organization - PURE Helpline. Check this page for updated hours, the Helpline phone number and more information on what the Helpline is all about.
9. Mikvah.org/instructors
A full list of all of our Mikvah.org certified Kallah teachers along with their contact information.
10. Mikvah.org/kahoot
Find 5 different Kahoot challenges to help test your Taharas Hamishpacha knowledge and help you review the Halachos.
11. Mikvah.org/login
Log into your Mikvah.org account here and use it to place orders online. If you are a certified Kallah teacher, or you purchased the Attendant training, this is where you'll find your classes as well.
12. Mikvah.org/loss
A halachic guide for pregnancy loss. Click the link provided on the website to download the PDF version.
13. Mikvah.org/mall
This is our Mikvah Store. Find all things relating to Mikvah including our print calendar, bedikah cloths, checklists and more. In addition you can also find a wide range of books/seforim and various types of gift packages.
14. Mikvah.org/media
Find all of our videos, many of which complement our podcasts, covering many subjects including Mikvah, Shalom Bayis, Child Rearing, and more.
15. Mikvah.org/mentors
A list of Mikvah.org certified Kallah teachers who are also mentors for new Kallah Teachers. Their contact information is provided so that new Kallah Teachers may easily reach out to them
16. Mikvah.org/Rebbe
Find videos where the Rebbe speaks about the concept of Mikvah. Included here is the Jem Rebbe video on the topic of family planning, titled The Greatest Blessing.
17. Mikvah.org/referrals
A comprehensive list of referrals, ranging from certified therapists, medical professionals and Rabbonim.
18. Mikvah.org/slideshow
Find a slideshow on Taharas Hamishpacha to help you review the halachos at your leisure
19. Mikvah.org/tour
Here you will find a tour of all things Mikvah - including what a Mikvah is, who uses it, how and when it is used and why women go to Mikvah.
20. Mikvah.org/wedding
Find our full ‘Guide to Chabad Weddings’ written out on our website. Or, click the PDF file linked on this page to access the guide in its PDF version.
21. Mikvah.org/yomtov
Instructions and tips for toiveling on Yom Tov.
Comprehensive resource for haircovering, tips, halachos, and more
Halacha Reviews on Taharas Hamishpacha, Kashrus, Hilchos Shabbos