The Kahoot Taharas HaMishpacha Challenge!

Welcome to the Kahoot! Taharas HaMishpacha Review!
Let's review the laws of Taharas HaMishpacha a little differently!
Following are the links for 5 different Kahoot Challenges!
* Please note - the questions on this Challenge are comprehensive.... it is totally OK to not know all the answers!  Have fun!
Kahoot on Calendar
Kahoot on Becoming Nidah
Kahoot on Dinei Harchaka
Kahoot on Chafifa & Tevilla
Kahoot on Hefsek Tahara & 7 White Days

Didn't score as high as you would like?  No worries!
Review the Halachos by slideshow here, or view video classes here

To play this game in HEBREW, click here.
To play this game in FRENCH, click here. 

Want to play again?  
You should be able to BELOW:
Chafifa & Tevilla
HT & 7 White Days

Did you have fun reviewing the halachos? Join for the 5783 Winter initiative!