A gentle breeze causes the chuppah to sway,
The Chosson's head bows, his eyes close to pray.
The violin's haunting melody, wafts through the air
The gravity of the moment is felt by all who are there.
The Kallah approaches, her step filled with grace
Her flowing white gown, her face veiled in lace.
The mothers escort her, candles flickering and bright,
To the chuppah they lead her on this clear, dark night.
The bridal party circles the Chosson seven times - he is king
The queen Kallah stops at his right, to receive her gold ring.
Three generations of their ancestors' souls hover near,
A solemn quiet descends on the guests gathered here.
The chuppah canopy conceals the starry sky above,
As together they stand, their hearts filled with new love.
Sacred words, ages old, blessings spoken with heart
Joining two souls as one, may their ways never part.
A last sip of wine, break the glass, great joy fills the air
Mazel tov! Mazel tov! They've a new life to share.
May their years be filled with abundant blessing galore:
Good health, beautiful children, prosperity and more!
May they greet each morning with a light in their eyes,
May their happiness grow and their spirits always rise.
May they fill their home with chessed every single day
May they raise a loving family in the proper Torah way.
Please smile upon them Hashem, forever more
And grant them all that they may ever implore.
Let the time of Moshiach come NOW, right away
And bring everyone a peace that is here to stay.