1. What can I do if despite the various
suggestions and the practical advice, my spouse is still not willing to
One person alone can make a major impact on any relationship. A
marriage is like a seesaw: even when only one partner initiates change, it
effects the other. Keeping this fact in mind should encourage you to implement
the suggestions in this article and the previous ones. Remember: when you change
your attitude and behavior you can work a miracle in your marriage. Try it. As
Hillel exhorts, Bimkom shehain anashim, hishtadel lihiyos ish. In a
place where there are no leaders, strive to be a leader (Pirkei Avos
You might know exactly what you want to do to create a feeling of
harmony between you. You might have identified the problem and taken the
responsibility for initiating a change. You might even have implemented various
techniques in your quest for improving your relationship. Yet you are not
satisfied. Can it be that you expected too much, too soon? When our imaginations
work overtime, reality falls short in comparison. If you would realize that
compared to how he acted before, your spouse is currently immeasurably better
despite not being perfect, you would feel truly accomplished.
When attempting
to pinpoint unrealistic expectations which may be ruining your chances for
happiness, ask yourself: Is anything less than perfect unacceptable to me? Am I
expecting failure, and by my negative expectations creating self-fulfilling
prophecies? You will find you are less disappointed and have more positive
energy to invest in (and enjoy!) your improving marriage.
2. I am concerned that I dont begin to
understand my spouses hidden agenda, the unspoken messages underlying his
words. What can I do?
Congratulations on your willingness
to investigate the important differences between you, which might currently be
the cause of needless tension. If you know that your spouses words might
contain hidden meanings and are upset that you cannot unravel them, try to heed
the wise words of our Sages who stated, Al tadin es chavercha ad shetagia
limkomo Do not judge your fellow until you have reached his place.
(Pirkei Avos 2:4)
The Sfas Emes interprets this to mean
that since it is impossible to actually reach your spouses place, to
actually be him, we must realize that total understanding of another person is
impossible. However armed with the knowledge that his words might hold deeper
meaning, ask your spouse for clarification
She: Do you really mean you dont care about the amount
which I write out the wedding-gift check, or are you feeling
left out
because I shoulder so much of the responsibility of the
3. We have begun to make some positive changes in our marriage. What can I do to prevent myself, and my spouse, from slipping back into old habits?
If youve succeeded in solving some problems, dont be surprised
if from time to time you find yourself asking How long will this last? or How
long can I rely on him to continue behaving this way? It is natural to be
concerned about recurrence of old habits. Accept your doubts, and rejoice in the
knowledge that they might even help you. As long as you are worried about
slipping back into familiar negative patterns, you will be less likely to revert
to them without being aware of it.
By using your fears as a hedge against
indifference, you are on the right track and you will succeed in maintaining
your improvements. But dont confuse necessary caution with expecting failure.
Instead of worrying, why not think about a future even better than your present
* * * * *
Solving problems creatively is a
life-long process, an attitude, an art. Life is dynamic, full of surprises,
challenges and change. The fact that you have successfully solved one problem
doesnt guarantee that it will remain solved forever, or that you wont have
other problems with which to content.By feeling confident that you have the
ability to deal with problems in your relationship, and by realizing that
problems arent the real problem, but that your attitude towards dealing with
them is what makes the crucial difference, you will know that no matter what
happens you will be able to not only cope but to strengthen your marriage in the
process.If we merit a good relationship with our spouses, a relationship
blessed with love, brotherhood, peace and companionship, we should continue to
invest in it, all the while remembering to thank our Father in Heaven. But if we
do not merit this ideal marriage relationship, of if what we have is not enough
for us, let us take all that unused love in our hearts and dedicate it to
Hashem. May we all find the strength to begin to improve our lives from this
moment forward. May we have the confidence in our ability to effect change, so
that by our behavior we reflect our true status: Hashems chosen
children. Read books, attend lectures, listen to CDs and tapes, seek our
wise, compassionate, spiritual and professional mentors to help you overcome
difficult times. Give yourself and your marriage the best chance to succeed that
you can. You deserve it! You owe it to yourself.