


The Taharas Hamishpacha Organization/, a non-profit organization, has compiled this list to provide information to the general public. This listing is for information purposes only.

Being listed on in no way constitutes an endorsement of the persons or organizations listed. This list does not constitute or replace medical advice, or halachic determination. Please consult your personal physician for medical direction and your personal Orthodox rabbi proficient, in the area in which you seek assistance, for halachic guidance.

This is not a professional medical/therapy referral source and does not represent, endorse, or monitor the medical/therapeutic practices of the physicians/therapists listed, nor the accuracy of any linked sites.

The Taharas Hamishpacha Organization/ and its representatives are not liable or responsible for any referrals or claims made by any of the listed medical/alternative/therapist practitioners.

The Taharas Hamishpacha Organization/ accepts no responsibility for any loss, injury, or damage suffered through use of the information on this site, or the inability to use the site.

Please let us know of any additional referrals, or corrections you know of, in any category. Please provide as much information about them as you can.

Please let us know if you have any positive or negative experience or knowledge of any of the professionals listed here. Your privacy will certainly be protected.