1701 East 36th Avenue
(New Seward And Lake Otis)
Anchorage, AK 99508-3904
United States
Esther Greenberg
By Appointment Only, 48 Hours Notice Please
Lubavitch Jewish Center Of Alaska
Rabbi Yosef Greenberg
Bor Al Gabai Bor - Bor Geshomim Below The Immersion Pool - Chabad Minhag
due to alaska's midnight sun summer nightfall is at 2am. therefore women will go to mikvah on 8th day, preferably evening hours. if conditions do not allow, may also go 8th day during daytime.
If you feel that any of the information for Tamar Tziporra Alaskan Mikvah is outdated or incorrect, please update here with the correction.
Have pictures? Email them to directory@mikvah.org
Inclusion on this site is not an endorsement of the kashrus of any mikvah listed.
Please verify kashrus before use.