Prior to his rediscovering the beauty and wisdom of his Jewish heritage, Rabbi Ginsburgh pursued an academic career in mathematics and philosophy. Upon finding his way to Torah faith and observance, he began an intensive program of religious study and development, under the close guidance of several great sages--most notably, the Lubavitcher Rebbe. In the course of his study, Rabbi Ginsburgh acquired deep and broad knowledge of the mystical tradition within Judaism, the realm of Kabbalah and Chassidut.
Presently, Rabbi Ginsburgh lives with his wife and children in the rural Chassidic settlement of Kfar Chabad. He teaches all across the Land of Israel, from modern Tel Aviv to the ancestral towns of Shechem and Hebron in Judea and Samaria where many of his students are reclaiming ancient Jewish rights of settlement. His audiences include yeshiva students and academics, chassidim and businessmen, housewives and politicians.
To see more of Rabbi Ginsburgh's teachings visit
Presently, Rabbi Ginsburgh lives with his wife and children in the rural Chassidic settlement of Kfar Chabad. He teaches all across the Land of Israel, from modern Tel Aviv to the ancestral towns of Shechem and Hebron in Judea and Samaria where many of his students are reclaiming ancient Jewish rights of settlement. His audiences include yeshiva students and academics, chassidim and businessmen, housewives and politicians.
To see more of Rabbi Ginsburgh's teachings visit