Certified Taharas Hamishpacha Instructors
in Nebraska


Every Certified Kallah Teacher has undergone extensive training in Taharas Hamishpacha and related educational components, and has a listed endorsing Rav to whom she refers for halachic issues.

While each teacher has the knowledge to prepare each Kallah for marriage and her wedding, teaching methods and personality styles will vary.

Please click here to leave feedback on a recent Kallah Teacher experience.


Certified Instructors in Nebraska

The following instructors have each completed rigorous training and testing via The Taharas Hamishpacha Organization/Mikvah.org Kallah Teacher Training Program. Each is certified to teach the valuable hadrachos and halachos pertaining to the observance of the Laws of Taharas Hamishpacha.

Please note that this course of study is best done face to face, in person. If you are unable to schedule a face to face course of study, please contact the teacher in whom you are interested to see what options are available.