Do women occupy a position in Judaism inferior to men? Does Torah and
the lifestyle it mandates discriminate against women? Some people apparently
believe so, for under the banner of womens liberation efforts are being made to
free women from what is perceived as their unequal status in Jewish law.The
call for equal rights is a persuasive one. All people are created in the image
of G-d, and no person, certainly not a whole category of people, should be
subjected to unjust and unequal treatment. And, it is claimed, Jewish women
labor under just such inequalities.
Judaism, advocates of changes say, discriminates against women in both
lifestyle and observance of Jewish ritual. (Jewish lifestyle, of course, is
prescribed by Jewish law as is Jewish ritual, and it is impossible to detach one
from the other. But for the sake of clarity we shall treat each as a separate
item.) Of the former, the discriminatory practice most often cited is that while
men enter the workforce, women traditionally have kept the home, raising
children. Examples of the latter are the inability of women to be called up for
an aliyah to the Torah or to be counted as part of the minyan.
Is there any substance to these charges?
Different But
Torah, certainly, assigns different roles to men and women.
But different does not mean unequal, equality is not sameness. In the Divine
plan for creation, men and women have distinct, diverse missions, which work in
harmony, complementing one another and bringing the divine plan to fruition. The
role of one is neither higher nor lower than the others: they are simply
If we were to measure tasks, that of the woman would rank the
highest, in terms of self-fulfillment, importance, and just about any other
criteria. Is there anything in the world loftier than bringing another Jew into
the world, guaranteeing the perpetuation of the Jewish nation -- the "holy
people" -- and thereby guaranteeing also the perpetuation of Torah and its
teachings, the world of G-d?
Yes, Jewish tradition says that the womens role is primarily
to raise the children and to be the mainstay of the home. For it is a sacred
mission, the importance of which, dwarfs any other. It is but a perversion of
our times to perceive having children, raising them in the ideals of our
heritage, and setting the tone for the entire household, husband included -- as
being inferior to earning money, making a name for oneself, or anything else
seen by society as being the ultimate goal in life.
Women have been given G-ds most precious gift, and they are
being told to throw it away in exchange for worthless baubles. G-d in His
infinite wisdom has granted the woman the ability to carry a fetus in her womb
for nine months, and to give birth to a new member of the holy people. No man,
no matter how wise or capable or willing, can do it: only the woman. Can there
be greater self-fulfillment than when she carries out this magnificent G-d given
The cry of equal rights is not only irrelevant, but a tragic
corruption of the very concept of "rights." To bombard girls with propaganda
that they will be fulfilled only if they imitate men is to deprive them of their
natural right to be mothers, the perpetuators of Jewry and Torah! It is a
swindle to convince women to exchange their most holy of missions for things
which are meaningless in comparison.
It is wrong to persuade girls that they should first enter the
business or professional world and only afterwards, if they want to, should they
establish families and homes. It is wrong to press such a warped set of
priorities on a girl, saying, in effect, that raising children and running a
home is a secondary course of action, applicable only after one has first had a
business or professional career. To be a good mother and homemaker needs
adequate preparation and the firm conviction that being so is ones primary
This is not to say that for women to work is always wrong. It
is more a matter of priorities, of knowing what ones primary mission is and
what ones G-dly ordained role is. What is false is to replace womens sacred
mission with the ideal that having a business or professional career is a goal
for itself. But as a means to furthering Torah study, for example, there is a
long Jewish tradition of women working to allow their husbands to devote
themselves totally to studying Torah. Even then, of course, it was not allowed
to prevent raising a family.
In a similar vein, the fact that women are not called up to
the Torah for an aliyah or are not counted as part of a minyan
is irrelevant to their worth. To demand such "rights" is simply a total
misunderstanding of what they mean.
Having an aliyah and being part
of a minyan are indeed lofty matters. "Aliyah" literally means
"ascent," referring to both the physical ascent on steps to the platform where
the Torah is read and to the spiritual ascent that accompanies it. Through a
minyan, G-d is sanctified in this world and in all the spiritual
worlds, too. But sanctity and spirituality are not man-made matters, to be toyed
with as one desires. Holiness is attained by cleaving to G-d, and it is He who
has established how one becomes sanctified and how one sanctifies.
There is not just one way in which to approach G-d. G-d has
given men one path and women another; and the underlying condition for all is to
carry out G-ds will in the manner set for that particular person or persons. It
is meaningless to arbitrarily exchange one for another, for then not only is
holiness not achieved, but G-ds will has been flouted, creating the antithesis
of holiness.
G-d has indeed said that He is sanctified in a
minyan, and that having an aliyah produces a spiritual ascent
for the person. But the same G-d has said that this is the way for men only;
women have different ways to be spiritually uplifted and to sanctify G-d. So
again we return to our previous assertion of what Judaism postulates for the
respective roles of men and women: Equal but different.
Liberation, not Debasement
Ironically, the movement to liberate women does the opposite:
it debases women. A person who is sure of her own value and worth, secure in the
conviction that she is equal to others, will not attempt to imitate anyone else.
It is only the person who views herself as inferior to others, and has no values
of her own, who will try to imitate another person.
Jewish women have their own mission, their own identity, their
own worth. Why the frenetic endeavors to adopt those of men? It is debasing and
betrays an astonishing lack of self-esteem, an inferiority complex that compels
one to junk everything and anything that may be construed as marking women
different from men.
Torah says emphatically that the diverse mission of men and
women does not mean inequality. Just as Torah commands that "A man shall not
wear a womans garment," so equally it commands "A mans garment shall not be on
a woman." Neither men nor women carry out their G-d given tasks or achieve
self-fulfillment by imitating the other. A woman has no reason to feel inferior
to a man, and therefore she has no need to try to be as a man.
Who determines the childs
The blurring of the essential difference between man
and woman has spawned another aberration, this time robbing women of their
rights as mothers. Jewish law decrees that a child belongs to the people of
which his or her mother is a member. One of the reasons for this is because the
embryo is formed and nurtured in the mothers womb, and therefore belongs to her
people. In the case of the Jewish people, a child is Jewish only if the mother
is Jewish.
Flying in the face of this indisputable fact of nature, some
people are proposing that the father should be a factor in determining the
childs identity. This not only has no logical underpinnings, bu whom she willingly brought into the
world. What in effect robs
the mother of the child she carried in her womb for nine months, for whom she
went through the pain of childbirth, andt an injustice!
Such a perversion of the natural order of things cannot be
allowed to continue. Women throughout the world, Jewish and non-Jewish, should
protest strongly against the theft of their children. It is ludicrous that a
group of people should perpetrate such an outrage against mothers, and against
G-d who gave mothers the privilege of being the ones to bear the children.
is time to restore sanity to a world where light is called darkness and darkness
light. Time to restore to women the dignity and worth of their sacred role of
being the mainstays of the home, and the raisers and molders and perpetuators of
Jewish life and tradition.