Mothers of Children in Shidduchim Series, Episode Four: A Conversation with Mrs. Sara Morozow, Mrs. Rivky Boyarsky and Mrs. Rivky Brikman

August 31st, 2023

In this episode of the Mothers of Children in Shidduchim Podcast Series, we feature a conversation between Mrs. Sara Morozow, Mrs. Rivky Boyarsky, and Mrs. Rivky Brikman. They delve into topics such as the Kallah's physical health, the role of Kallah Teachers, and the mother-daughter relationship within this process.

Click here to access Tahareinu's website and contact information.

Click here⁠ to access's podcast episode #43 titled Planning for the Change of Plans: A Halachic and Hashkafic overview of Chupas Niddah. Mrs. Esty Slavin can be reached at: (718) 635-1854

Mrs. Chaya Klein can be reached at: (917) 846-7923