236 Viola Road
(West Maple Avenue)
Monsey, NY 10952
United States
Open Daily, Appointment Suggested. Different Location Branches For Shabbos Yom Tov Appointment Needed
Rav Leifer
Bor Min Hatzad - Side By Side - Bor Geshomim On The Side Of The Immersion Pool
YesHydraulic Lift
cash recommended. appointments can be made 3 ways-by phone at 845-371-0211, at mikvahcloud.com
If you feel that any of the information for Mikvah of Rockland County is outdated or incorrect, please update here with the correction.
Have pictures? Email them to directory@mikvah.org
Inclusion on this site is not an endorsement of the kashrus of any mikvah listed.
Please verify kashrus before use.